This month at CJ Access it’s a Research Brief roundup featuring perceptions and how we perceive crime victims, perpetrators, suspects, and the police. So, explore whether victims’ ambiguous cues and level of physical attractiveness affect the labeling of offenses as sexual assault. Investigate the way bystanders perceive sexual assault and domestic violence and the factors that influence whether they intervene. Find out if factors that typically influence perceptions of police legitimacy in large cities work the same in a medium size city and check out an international view of how lay people perceive the truthfulness of suspects’ alibis. Also in Research Briefs, look into which restrictive firearm policies, if any, may reduce the number of mass shootings and be sure to follow up with research that discusses the differences in mass violence data sources, their limitations, and potential research directions.
Tag: police legitimacy
Research Briefs
Factors Influencing Labeling Non-consensual Sex as Sexual Assault
Yndo & Zawacki, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2020
The authors’ study examined the effects of physical attractiveness and sexual interest cues on men’s sexual perceptions of women and whether increases in sexual perceptions of a woman would lead to decreases in labeling of subsequent non-consensual sex as sexual assault. The authors note that college age women are at high risk for sexual assault and that incidence of sexual assault among college aged women is high, ranging to as high as 50% in some studies, but men’s self-report perpetration averages are significantly lower than the number of self-reported sexual assaults. The authors surmise this disparity may be partly due to the gendered difference in perception of what constitutes non-consensual sex.
Research has already identified men’s over perception of sexual interest, with males typically rating females participants as more attractive and more seductive and more sexually interested than females do. There is also limited research that suggests the level of a woman’s attractiveness influences the level of men’s misperception of sexual interest, perceiving more attractive women to be more interested in them, in a sense projecting their own sexual interest in the woman and assuming the woman’s level of interest is the same. The authors considered that men’s over perception may lead to misidentifying interested females and, coupled with ambiguous social cues from women that may or may not signal sexual attraction, may produce differing perceptions of actual sexual attraction, and the definition of the sexual activity, and may lead men to not perceive nonconsensual sex as sexual assault.
The authors examined two research questions in the study; What factors in a social interaction increase a man’s sexual perceptions of a woman, and do these increases in a man’s perceptions of a woman’s sexual interest during a social interaction decrease his labeling of subsequent nonconsensual sex as sexual assault? Their study contained 233 male college students who read a vignette describing a hypothetical social interaction between a man and a woman; within the vignette, the female character’s physical attractiveness (attractive vs. less attractive) and the degree to which the female character behaved interested in the male character (uninterested vs. ambiguous) were manipulated. The vignette ends with the male character physically forcing sexual intercourse with the female character. After reading the vignette, participants’ labeling of the nonconsensual sex as sexual assault was addressed. Participants’ perceptions of the female character’s sexual interest in the male character prior to the nonconsensual sex was assessed as a dependent variable during stopping points in the vignette, prior to sexual assault. The authors hypothesized that ambiguous cues (compared to non-interested) and more attractive female characters will result in the participants giving higher ratings of the female characters’ sexual interest in the males, as well as there being an interaction between level of female attractiveness and ambiguous cues, in that only with the ambiguous cues condition will female attractiveness work together to influence perceptions of sexual interest. The authors ultimately hypothesize that increased rating of the female character’s interest will lead to decreased labeling of the non-consensual sex in the vignette as sexual assault.
Utilizing multiple regression, their results indicated that separately, both ambiguous cues of interest and greater physical attractiveness had a significant effect on perceptions of the females character’s interest in the male character, though the interaction effect between the two variables was not significant. Consistent with previous research their results also indicated that despite level of attractiveness, a lack of ambiguous cues and the presence of uninterested cues indicated the participants perceived a lower level of sexual interest from the female character, supporting that males can more easily distinguish sexual interest in the presence of clear cues and that cue ambiguity leaves more room for physical cues to influence perceptions. The second model also found that the level of perceived sexual interest had a significant effect on participants not labeling the non-consensual sex in the vignette as sexual assault.
While the effects are small, they are significant and having an understanding of the social factors that influence perceptions are important. The authors state that understanding the influence of social factors, such as physical attractiveness and interest cues, provides researchers with knowledge that can be incorporated into prevention programs targeted toward reducing sexual assault. For example, prevention programs should educate men that ambiguous sexual interest cues do not equate to consent. Furthermore, programs can increase awareness that perceptions of sexual interest may be inaccurate while highlighting the importance of gaining sexual consent, in turn encouraging unambiguous sexual consent between partners.
Yndo, M. C., & Zawacki, T. (2020). Factors influencing labeling nonconsensual sex as sexual assault. Journal of interpersonal violence, 35(7-8), 1803-1827.
While perceptions can affect whether non-consensual sex is viewed as a sexual assault, in instances where a sexual assault or domestic violence might be identified as such and witnessed, perception of the incidental factors, including the type of victim and type of assault, can influence whether bystanders intervene as Weitzman and colleagues discuss below.
Bystander Intervention on Behalf of Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence Victims
Weitzman, Cowan, & Walsh, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2020
The authors utilized secondary data (data gathered in previous research) from a survey of individuals 15 years and older about bystander intervention and sexual assault and intimate partner violence (IPV). The authors note that while sexual assault and IPV can co-occur–sexual assault can be a form of IPV and many victims experience both-from the vantage point of interveners, the two types of violence may be perceived quite differently. For instance, the authors note, the general public perceives the typical rape to be perpetrated by a stranger but often fails to perceive forced sex as rape if it occurs in the context of a romantic relationship. Even victims themselves often do not identify forced sex as rape if there is a romantic relationship between them and the perpetrator. Given that, definitionally, sexual assault and IPV are overlapping but distinct, and perceptions of these forms of violence are quite different, bystanders’ willingness to intervene and their strategies of intervention may differ. If these strategies do indeed differ by demographic background or violence type, then policies aimed at increasing bystander intervention would need to anticipate and accommodate these differences in order to be effective.
The authors had previously encountered limited research examining bystander intervention, finding that in the U.S. population at large, and among college students and military personnel specifically, men are more reluctant than women to intervene in instances of sexual assault. Among college students, men’s (but not women’s) willingness to intervene depends on their perceptions of the victim’s situation (e.g., whether they believe a victim increased his or her own risk of victimization) and research also suggests that Black college students are more likely to report intervening in sexual assault than Whites. Bystanders are also more likely to intervene in sexual assault and IPV if they perceive that victims face significant danger than if they don’t. Among college students, existing research finds a greater willingness to intervene on behalf of personally known sexual assault victims than on behalf of strangers, suggesting that this may be because knowing a victim encourages one to feel more responsible to act. College students also report a greater willingness to intervene on behalf of sexual assault victims when they feel supported by their peers, believe they know how to help, and are not in danger themselves. Thus, norms about intervention and education helping individuals to identify instances of sexual assault and IPV may also be critical to the decision to intervene.
The authors explain that once a person decides to intervene, a wide variety of strategies may be employed. These may include preventing violence by changing attitudes and beliefs that lead to assault or intervening in a potentially threatening situation before violence has begun; stopping violence mid-incident (which requires witnessing an event); or providing emotional or physical support after violence has occurred. All three types of interventions (before, during, and after) are theorized to reduce an individual’s subsequent risk of violence.
The dominant bystander intervention model, as stated by the authors, identifies five steps to the intervention process – noticing the situation (step 1), identifying it as an emergency (step 2), taking responsibility to act (step 3), deciding what specifically to do (step 4), and choosing to do it (step 5). According to the only nationally representative study of bystander interventions in IPV, only half of individuals who have known a victim have ever intervened and the authors conclude there are likely many barriers to intervening, at least in IPV, and these barriers may exist at every step.
For the current study, they examined three factors related to previous bystander experiences: whether the respondent has ever known a victim of sexual assault or IPV (separately); if yes, what the relationship was between the respondent and the victim and whether the respondent intervened; and if yes to the latter question, how the respondent intervened, including the relationship of the victim to bystander, type of intervention used, as well as possible barriers to a hypothetical IPV intervention with someone they knew. Demographics include race, age, gender, education, employment status, urban or non-urban status, and geographic region.
Significant differences lie in some demographics variables in the likelihood of knowing a victim of sexual assault and/or IPV as compared to not knowing one, with females more likely to know a victim, and more likely to know an IPV victim, specifically, than males, and Blacks being more likely than Whites to know a sexual assault victim. Significant differences were also found in the odds of knowing an IPV victim for those with some college, those who were students, retired individuals, and being an urban resident.
The authors state their findings show that part of the bystander intervention model (deciding what to do and choosing to do it) depends in part on the type of violence in question and gender. They found significant difference in the types of intervention used in sexual assault compared to IPV, with offering safe haven (47% compared to 60%) and telling the offender to stop (28% compared to 50%) used less frequently in sexual assault compared to IPV while telling the authorities or telling an adult were employed more frequently in IPV than in sexual assault. They also found significant differences in gender with regard to IPV, women are less likely to physically intervene than men, less likely to tell the abuser to stop, and more likely to tell an adult.
The main barriers to intervention in IPV in the current study were found to be that over 40% of respondents were concerned about being injured, while approximately 15% each, expressed concerns of it being a private matter, or being wrong for intervening. Other barriers, to a lesser degree, included losing friendship, being called a liar, and being bullied. This varied by demographic which showed age was a factor in concerns of being bullied and losing a friendship, while for females, risk injury was a greater concern than for men, however women were less likely than men to be concerned about it being a private matter or bullied which the authors surmise might occur because of their greater likelihood of knowing a victim of IPV. In regards to race, Blacks were more concerned about injury compared to Whites. For other demographics, those with post-secondary education were more likely to be concerned about being bullied over the intervention than those with less than a high school education. Full time workers were less likely to be concerned over the incident being a private matter whereas urban residents were more likely to be concerned with it being a private matter than rural residents, Retired people were more likely to be inhibited with the possibility of being called a liar, and along with students, are more likely to have concerns about being wrong in intervening.
However, many of the respondents reported having intervening for victims of IPV (59%) and for sexual assault victims (29%). The authors analyzed whether the relationship in these instances influences whether an intervention occurs. Logistic regression analysis suggests that the odds of intervening in instances of sexual assault do not vary with relationship to the victim (e.g. whether they are a friend, family member, acquaintance etc.); however, they do differ with demographic background. Hispanic have 159% higher odds of intervening than White respondents (which the authors claim is a suggestion that certain cultural norms promote group welfare among Hispanic individuals). Self-employed respondents have 192% higher odds of intervening than non-employed respondents. However, in IPV, respondents have 70% lower odds of intervening on behalf of an acquaintance than on behalf of a family member. The author note that this finding coincides with previous research among college students, which suggests that individuals are more likely to intervene for friends than for strangers.
The authors conclude that the study indicates there are differences in the approaches individuals take when responding to sexual assault and IPV. They are more likely to involve legal authorities when responding to sexual assault, but more likely to tell the abuser to stop when responding to IPV. They state this finding indicates that some people may believe that sexual assault is a crime typically perpetrated by strangers that should be dealt with by legal authorities, whereas IPV is not a crime but a family issue best addressed by those close to or within the family. The authors believe to dispel these myths, public awareness campaigns should highlight that sexual assault more frequently occurs among individuals who know each other than among strangers, and should further provide specific suggestions for intervention strategies that do not put bystanders in immediate danger.
Weitzman, A., Cowan, S., & Walsh, K. (2020). Bystander interventions on behalf of sexual assault and intimate partner violence victims. Journal of interpersonal violence, 35(7-8), 1694-1718.
Reactions to, and treatment of, sexual assault and domestic violence victims will vary depending on the perceptions that both citizens and law enforcement have of these victims. Reactions to, and the treatment of, police officers are also subject to citizen perceptions, especially in regards to their perceptions of police legitimacy. However, Clark, et al explore whether these perceptions may vary by setting as they discuss in the following.
Differences in Citizen Perceptions of Interactions with Police Officers
Clark, Werling, Chintakrindi, & Randol, The Police Journal, 2019
The authors note the importance of police legitimacy in establishing trust with communities but recognize that a number of factors could affect the perception of legitimacy including race, age, income level, employment status, and education level as well as crime rates, nature and characteristics of an individual’s encounter with the police, media coverage of police activity, and police performance issues like excessive force, bias, and misconduct.
Because perceptions of the police are subjective, the authors looked at psychological perspectives that explain why or why not people defer to authority and find it legitimate. The authors state that two psychological models were found to influence whether a person defers to authorities and whether they see authorities as legitimate: an identity-based relational model, which had the biggest impact on views of legitimacy, and the resource-based instrumental model, which was found to play a smaller but still significant role in forming views on legitimacy. The relational model shows that people willingly defer to authorities, such as the police, and find them legitimate if people believe they are respected and valued by the authorities, are being treated in a neutral way, and can trust the motives behind how the authorities act; which are the same as the basis for the procedural justice concepts discussed at length by criminologist Tyler.
They note another psychological perspective that can help explain trust in the police is a Durkheimian perspective in that the most influential determinants of confidence and trust in the police were a sense of social cohesion and order in the community of the respondent. In a 2001 study, respondents also indicated they trust the police more when they perceive them as protecting moral structures in the community, not necessarily when they are protecting the community from crime. Likewise, fear of crime and signs of physical and social disorder did not have major impacts on citizens’ trust and confidence in the police, especially when controlling for social cohesion.
The authors state that most studies of police legitimacy involve large cities and little research has been done on midsize cities and conducted a survey in a central valley mid-sized California city and obtained 307 respondents. They stratified the sample from the different neighborhoods by police beat. The survey contained questions about how the city Police Department interacts with the community, the top three crimes respondents are concerned about, whether they feel safe in their neighborhood and how they perceive various aspects about the police officers in the city. They also asked a series of questions about the respondent’s contact with the police in the last 12 months and their satisfaction with those interactions. The authors sought to determine the perceptions of the respondents of their interactions with city police officers, utilizing police legitimacy outcome variables of fairness of police officers, trust of police officers, responsiveness to community concerns by police officers, and respectfulness of police officers. The authors utilized predictor variable that were likely to influence the outcome variables; race, household income level, education level, employment status, and crime rate.
In bivariate analyses, few of the predictor variables were correlated with the outcome variables measuring police legitimacy. There were no statistically significant differences between respondents’ perceptions of police respectfulness, and police responsiveness to the community based on race , household income level, education level, employment status, and crime rate. For the outcome variable of perceptions of police fairness, Blacks and American Indians held statistically significant lower views than other races but no other variable demonstrated any significant difference. For perceptions of trust of the police, the only significant difference was in employment status with unemployed respondents having a significantly higher trust in the police than employed respondents. The authors also used logistic regression models of the four outcome variables but the only statistically significant differences were in the perceptions of police fairness with White respondents being 2.18 times more likely to rate their interactions with police as being fair ‘A lot or to a great extent’ compared to Non-White respondents.
The author’s hypothesis that higher crime rates would negatively affect views of police legitimacy was not supported and there was only partial support that sociodemographic variables would show differences in views of police legitimacy. While their results differed from other research, the authors suggest the study might be more generalizable to medium sized cities, with more predominantly White populations rather than large cities. They conclude their results indicate “differences in people’s perceptions of interactions with the police are not something inherent within the people themselves or the crime in the areas they live, but something else. The most likely source in these differences in perceptions is something that the city police are doing, or potentially not doing, related to their face-to-face community interactions and training policies around communicating with local residents”. While noting some limitations to the study it suggests that future research can focus on small and medium sized cities, examine polices related to officer communication with the public, as well as explore other potential areas like media presentation that might affect views of police legitimacy.
Clark, N., Werling, R., Chintakrindi, S., & Randol, B. (2019). Differences in citizen perceptions of interactions with police officers. The Police Journal, 0032258X19826855.
Clark and colleagues examined how citizens perceived police officers’ trustworthiness, but how does the average citizen perceive the believability of a suspect’s alibi? Portnoy, et al state that innocent suspects who fail to provide a convincing alibi when interviewed by the police may subsequently be tried in court, where their alibi may be evaluated again by jurors. However, they question, are lay members of the public familiar with factors that may lead to an innocent suspect providing an inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise unconvincing alibi?
Beliefs about Suspect Alibis: A Survey of Lay People in the United Kingdom, Israel, and Sweden
Portnoy, Hope, Vrij, Ask, & Landström, The International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 2020.
The authors state that in general during an interrogation or interview, suspects will try to provide an alibi establishing their innocence, first through the recollection of the event and in a second more detailed phase designed to validate their story. However innocent suspects despite being motivated to provide an accurate and convincing alibi may provide inaccurate information. This may result from impaired memory processes, a result of a loss of details of an event over time, or memory conjunction errors, where suspects confuse aspects of two separate occurrences. However, the authors also consider that producing a convincing alibi may be hampered by a presumption of guilt from the interviewer. While the authors conceded that research to date hasn’t supported that presumptive guilt affects suspect’s willingness to deny or confess or that it affects the accuracy of the statements, they contend that presumptive guilt can lead to more aggressive interviewing, with research showing that it increases the probability of believing the suspect’s guilt despite their statements.
In evaluating suspects’ alibis for believability, police interviewers may not attribute inaccurate information to memory errors but rather to deception, and thus guilt. If a belief in their guilt is established, the suspect’s alibi may then be analyzed in court, by jurors, who will be unaware of factors that may have led to the suspect’s alibi as not believable and thus subject to prosecution. However without this understanding of the determinates of believability, jurors cannot make an informed decision.
The authors surveyed 332 people from the UK, Sweden, and Israel who had never provided an alibi in a police investigation to determine the degree in which lay people understood factors that affect believability. Participants were first asked to indicate their belief about the extent to which six types of details are provided in alibis of truthful versus lying suspects. Research has shown that alibis of liars and truth-tellers differ with respect to their tendency to provide these details and they wanted to examine how participants’ knowledge would align with these research findings. To gain additional data on participants’ beliefs about the differences between truthful and deceptive alibis, participants were then asked to describe what strategies they believed truthful and lying suspects typically use to make their alibi seem convincing to the interviewer.
They also asked participants what they believed the relation between the amount of details provided in an alibi and the truthfulness of the alibi to be, and to explain their answer. Since research has demonstrated that statements of truthful suspects are more detailed than those of lying suspects they were interested in the participants’ belief about the relation between alibis’ level of detail and their truthfulness.
Additionally, participants were also asked to indicate their belief regarding the extent to which truthful alibis might contain incorrect details to see whether or not participants would mention the factor of (impaired) memory processes. Participants who indicated that truthful alibis may contain incorrect details were asked to explain their answer in order to see if, and to what extent, they would acknowledge the factor of memory constraints as a reason for mistakes during the provision of alibis by truthful suspects.
The authors also examined the issue of presumption of guilt and first asked participants to indicate when they believed was the point in the course of an investigative interview in which interviewers begin to form their opinion regarding the suspect’s truthfulness. This question was used to examine whether or not participants would consider it likely that interviewers may conduct suspect interviews with a presumption of guilt toward the interviewee. This was followed by asking participants to indicate their belief regarding the extent to which a presumption of guilt held by interviewers at the beginning of suspect interviews might affect the interviewers’ behavior, and to indicate the likelihood that suspects provide more details and confess to committing the crime (regardless of their actual guilt) in response to a guilt-presumptive interviewer.
T-test analyses indicated that, on average, participants believed that most types of details are provided significantly more often in truthful than in deceptive alibis. In response to common strategies, as two of the three most commonly reported strategies were reported for both truthful and lying suspects (i.e., providing detailed alibis and expressing confidence), they examined whether the proportion to which participants reported each of these two strategies differed for truthful and lying suspects. Analysis showed that participants believed that a detailed alibi occurs more often with respect to lying suspects (39.0%) than truthful suspects (26.6%). .In contrast, participants believed that expressing confidence occurs more often among truthful (30.0%) than lying suspects (16.6%).
Most participants who believed that a detailed alibi is less likely to be truthful explained that liars may believe that a detailed alibi is perceived as truthful and convincing. With respect to participants who believed that a detailed alibi is more likely to be truthful, most of them explained their belief by reporting that the truth is easy to keep track of and thus being informative is not difficult. Finally, most participants who believed that the amount of details provided in an alibi is not related to its truthfulness reported that the truthfulness of an alibi depends on different factors, such as the verifiability of the details provided, the extent to which the details provided are central to the main event, and the suspect’s personal strategy to appear truthful (which may or may not be to provide a detailed alibi).
In other areas of exploration, the study found, on average, participants rated the likelihood that a truthful alibi might contain incorrect details as relatively low. However, most participants who indicated they believed that truthful alibis may contain incorrect details explained that this may be due to impaired memory processes. Analyses also indicated that participants tended to believe significantly more often that interviewers usually begin to form their opinion of the guilt or innocence of suspects prior to hearing their alibi for the first time or while suspects are providing their alibi for the first time.
The study also found that, on average, participants believed that interviewers’ presumption of guilt can affect what interviewers say and how they behave during an interview. The most common explanation provided by participants who strongly believed this to be true was that presumptions of guilt make interviewers conduct harsher interviews, ask leading questions, and pressure the suspect to confess.,Finally, on average, participants believed that when suspects get the impression that the interviewer thinks they are guilty, they will provide more details in their alibi, and provide details even if they are uncertain of their accuracy.
The authors state the most noteworthy finding concerning participants’ beliefs about the qualities of suspect alibis was that participants believed that while truth-tellers are more informative with respect to specific types of details, liars more often try to appear generally informative. Specifically, participants tended to believe that, on average, setting, temporal, object, and person-description details are provided only slightly more often in alibis of truthful suspects than lying suspects. This belief aligns with existing research findings. However, when participants freely reported that suspects provide a generally detailed alibi to appear convincing, this was reported more often with respect to lying suspects than truthful suspects. Most participants also believed that the more details provided in an alibi, the less likely the alibi is to be truthful. Previous survey research has demonstrated similar beliefs of lay people about the relation between the amount of details provided by suspects during police interviews and suspects’ veracity. Liars may succeed in providing a rich, detailed statement by describing an actual experience that occurred on a different time than that of the crime, with details concerning the crime nevertheless being denied or omitted. However, this belief of participants that a detailed alibi is less likely to be truthful contrasts findings in which statements of truthful suspects are usually more detailed than those of lying suspects.
The authors noted, however, impaired memory processes may prevent liars from remembering what information they have already provided (and to whom). In order not to struggle with remembering a detailed lie, liars are likely to provide a relatively short statement. Indeed, innocent, truthful suspects tend more than guilty, lying ones to employ an alibi-provision strategy of providing a detailed statement. Turning to the issue of impaired memory processes in the context of innocent suspects’ alibis, participants’ responses indicated that they were reluctant to acknowledge that truthful alibis may unintentionally include incorrect details. This finding embodies another demonstration of lay people’s lack of understanding of issues concerning psychology and law and is consistent with previous findings that demonstrated this poor knowledge by lay people.
However, when examining the explanations of participants as to why they believed that truthful alibis may contain incorrect details, the authors state a more encouraging picture emerges. Participants acknowledged that impaired memory processes may prevent innocent suspects from reporting accurately from memory. For example, participants correctly acknowledged that innocent suspects may not encode relevant event details because of not realizing the importance of remembering the event for a later reporting. Participants also correctly mentioned that event details may be forgotten over time. Participants mentioned the factor of forgetting by truthful suspects also when explaining why they believed a detailed alibi may indicate that the suspect is lying (that is, because impaired memory processes may prevent innocent suspects from providing a detailed alibi).
The authors conclude that altogether, findings from the first part of the questionnaire suggest that participants hold some mistaken beliefs about suspect alibis. Nevertheless, participants did demonstrate an understanding that innocent suspects may provide incorrect details due to impaired memory processes. Results also suggest that lay people are aware of the fact that interviewers might approach suspect interviews while already presuming guilt and that this presumption of guilt might affect how interviewers conduct interviews. The findings also suggest that lay people believe that suspects’ verbal behavior is likely to be negatively affected by a guilt-presumptive interviewer.
The authors suggest future research might compare the beliefs of police interviewers with those of members of the general public about the topics of memory limitations and presumption of guilt in the context of suspect alibis. Specifically, jurors may benefit from being informed that innocent suspects may provide incorrect details due to memory constraints despite being motivated to be accurate. Jurors may also need to be explicitly informed that suspects sometimes provide their alibi to a guilt-presumptive interviewer; this should be done especially when suspects complain that their interviewer treated them as if they had already decided that they were guilty. These findings can also inform the development of interviewing techniques. For example, assuming that participants’ beliefs about the behavior of suspects reflect how they would behave as suspects during police interviews (as was also suggested by some responses), the finding that they believed that a more detailed statement is less likely to be truthful suggests that, as truth-tellers during police interviews, they would not try to provide a detailed statement. Accordingly, when interviewing suspects and instructing them to provide a detailed statement, it may be crucial to also explain to them the importance of being informative, for example, for the course of the investigation and the possibility of exonerating them as suspects by having more details to verify.
Portnoy, S., Hope, L., Vrij, A., Ask, K., & Landström, S. (2020). Beliefs about suspect alibis: A survey of lay people in the United Kingdom, Israel, and Sweden. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 24(1), 59-74.
Evidence Concerning the Regulation of Firearms Design, Sale, and Carrying on Fatal Mass Shootings in the United States
Webster, McCourt, Crifasi, Booty, & Stuart, Criminology and Public Policy, 2020
The authors (one affiliated with the Bloomberg Center for Gun Policy and Research) suggest that based on past research, the occurrence of mass shootings may be influenced by prohibited individuals, particularly domestic violence perpetrators (which they assert are disproportionately involved in mass shootings) and that while already prohibited from purchasing or possessing a firearm, prohibited individuals may purchase a firearm from someone other than a federally licensed dealer. The authors suggest that Comprehensive Background Checks (CBC), entailing a federal firearms background check on private transfers as well, may prevent some of these prohibited individuals from obtaining a firearm. They also suggest that purchaser licensing where states can tailor background checks, require gun safety courses, and give law enforcement officials discretion over whether a license is issued can be used to limit access to firearms, however the authors concede that there is no research to support that either CBC or purchasing licenses would reduce mass shootings. Indeed, in regards to other variables like assault weapon and large capacity magazine bans and their effect on mass shootings, other research has produced mixed results and contained methodological issues.
The authors used data from the FBI’s Supplemental Homicide Reports and other publicly available databases to calculate state-level annual incidence of 604 fatal mass shootings that had four or more victims between 1984–2017. The authors did note that the SHR did not contain some prominent mass shootings such as the Aurora, CO theater , Sandy Hook elementary school, and the church in Southerland Springs, TX. The also note that because the SHR limits the number of victims to 11, the Virginia Tech shooting in their data is counted as three incidents. To remedy these and other omissions, they compared the SHR data with data on mass shootings collected by Stanford University (Stanford Mass Shootings in America) for the years 1984–2017 and the Gun Violence Archive for the years 2014–2017 and added any missing incidents to their data set.
Data on gun laws were collected and coded and included a number of state-level statutes: concealed carry laws, handgun purchaser licensing laws that require either in-person application or fingerprinting, laws requiring point-of-sale background checks only, firearm prohibitions for subjects of domestic violence restraining orders that include ex parte orders, firearm prohibitions for subjects of domestic violence restraining orders that include dating partners in the definition of domestic violence, firearm prohibitions for subjects of domestic violence restraining order that do not include ex parte orders or dating partners, laws requiring surrender of all firearms by subjects of domestic violence restraining orders, firearm prohibitions for violent misdemeanants, assault weapons bans and large capacity magazine bans.
Negative binomial regression models were used to estimate the associations between changes in key gun laws and fatal mass shootings. Analyzed at the state-year level, they conducted a time series analysis of three dependent variables; domestic violence linked mass shootings, which the authors (with the authors defining domestic relationship broadly to include any offender-victim family relationship, boyfriend/girlfriend, or ex-spouse), non-domestic violence linked mass shootings (however the SHR defines the offender-victim relationship based on the first homicide in the incident) and all mass shootings.
Analyses of the statistical models indicated that some of the variables had an effect on the outcomes measures. For total number of mass shootings incidents only two law variables had a statistically significant effect; states that had handgun purchaser licensing laws requiring in-person application with law enforcement or fingerprinting were associated with incidents of fatal mass shootings 56% lower than that of other states and LCM bans indicated a 48% lower risk of fatal mass shootings associated with the policy. They found no evidence that concealed carry laws, assault weapons bans, prohibitions for domestic abusers and violent misdemeanants, or point-of-sale CBC laws were associated with the incidence of fatal mass shootings. In models in which the number of mass shooting victim fatalities was the outcome, statistically significant protective effect variables included handgun purchaser licensing (66% reduction) as well as LCM bans (70% reduction) which, however, also demonstrated a wide confidence interval that calls into question its true effect.
For models examining non-domestic violence related incidents, purchaser licensing was shown to have a significant negative effect on both the number of incidents (62% reduction) and in the number of victims (65% reduction) in these incidents compared to other states. For models examining domestic violence incidents (28% of the sample) only LCM ban laws had a significant reduction effect on the number of incidents (61%) and the number of victims (75%) but states with required comprehensive background checks were associated with a large significant increase (222%) in victim deaths in these incidents.
The authors concede that the findings of this study suggest that the most common policy prescriptions and criticisms offered by gun control advocates-comprehensive background checks, assault weapons bans and “Right to Carry” laws which reduce restrictions on civilian concealed carry-do not seem to be associated with the incidence of fatal mass shootings. Despite the authors attempting to tie domestic violence to mass shootings, with 28% of the shootings in this study having some connection to domestic violence, they found no evidence that laws designed to keep firearms from perpetrators of domestic violence have affected mass shootings connected to domestic violence. They state this is surprising given that prior research demonstrating that laws prohibiting persons under domestic violence restraining orders from possessing firearms or with prior convictions for violent misdemeanors were associated with reduced intimate partner homicides. The authors conclude their findings suggest that laws requiring firearm purchasers to be licensed through a background check process supported by fingerprints and laws banning LCMs are the most effective gun policies for reducing fatal mass shootings.
Webster, D. W., McCourt, A. D., Crifasi, C. K., Booty, M. D., & Stuart, E. A. (2020). Evidence concerning the regulation of firearms design, sale, and carrying on fatal mass shootings in the United States. Criminology & Public Policy, 19(1), 171-212.
As noted above, different databases may define mass violence offenses differently and that beside the common feature of having multiple victims there is no universal definition of these events, which can make researching these events more challenging. Without clear definitions of mass violence, research and its implications and conclusions can be unclear or forward incomplete or inaccurate policy recommendations. Corzine and Corzine and explore the differences in definitions and subtypes, issues in research, and recommendations for future research.
The Devil’s In the Details: Measuring Mass Violence
Corzine and Corzine, Criminology and Public Policy, 2020
The authors note that within mass violence incidents, as measured by different sources and databases, major characteristic differences exist. For example the definition of an occurrence as a mass violence event may vary on the minimum number of victim (either 3 or 4 killed, sometimes including the wounded), location (some require a public location while others include residential and private locations), timing (some require them to have occurred within a 24 hour period), and whether a firearm was used. Defining other general characteristics of these events, and research into them, is made more difficult by specific variations in the incidents. For example, age of the typical victim can vary depending on the type of target, an event occurring at a school will have on average younger aged victims than a church. Events may occur based more on the location, rather than on specific individualized targets, and the offender-victim relationships may vary widely or be unknown, just as the motives may vary widely or be unknown.
The authors consider the FBI’s definition of two types of mass violence; a Classic type and a Family type. A killing of at least three family members is defined as a mass murder, or if involving a perpetrator suicide, a mass murder /suicide. If the perpetrator lives and kills four or more family members it’s described as a Family Killing, rather than a mass murder. A Classic type involves a single perpetrator (usually a mentally disordered male) who kills four or more victims in a public place with no cooldown period. These events can also be defined as mass violence victimization, in that while the two previously described types of mass killings will typically vary by location (public or private) victim type, motive, and even weapon use, both with result in physical injury, death, and emotional and psychological trauma for survivors.
However, the authors recognize that events described as public mass murders or mass shootings typically have garnered the most media and research attention with data collections efforts from various official government entities, although with some variation. The Office of Crime Victims (OCV) which has a focus on the toll on crime victims, utilizes data collected from the Mother Jones news organization. The OCV defines mass violence as an intentional violent criminal act, for which a formal investigation has been opened by the FBI or other law enforcement agency, that results in physical, emotional, or psychological injury to a sufficiently large number of people to significantly increase the burden of victim assistance and compensation for the responding jurisdiction. OCV provides general information to program news, training for providers and community leaders, through grants and funding, and in links to numerous fact sheets and articles on victimization.
The FBI’s definition of mass murder consists of four or more victim deaths (not counting the offender) in one or more locations in a close proximity by the offender, is the definition typically adhered to by other official organizations, though the number of qualifying victims was later reduced to three in 2013 by presidential mandate. In contrast, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) focuses on gun-related mass violence of all types, defining “mass shooting” as a “multiple homicide incident in which four or more victims are murdered with firearms, within one event, and in one or more locations in close proximity”. Mass shootings were broken down by type rather than exclusively by number, and categorized mass murders with firearms as either mass public shootings, familicides, and other mass shootings. These categories demonstrate a shift from analysis based solely on numbers of murdered or injured to one examining the type of event, which the authors contend holds promise for future research in not just describing the events but understanding them.
There are also a number of publicly available and unofficial data sources. These include the Gun Violence Archive, collecting data since 2012, which defined mass violence as four or more shot or killed (this expands the definition to included wounded) in one location, over a short time frame. It obtains its data from the media, law enforcement, and government sources, and their data is also used by the Guardian news organization for their reporting and data collection on mass shootings. Mother Jones’ data, the primary data source for the OCV, started in 1982 collecting data on mass shootings that followed the FBI’s definition of four victims (later three) of “indiscriminate rampages” in public places. Gang violence, armed robbery, and other felony-related events that generated several gun-related deaths are excluded from the data set. The Washington Post in 1966 began collecting data on mass violence, with a focus on firearms used to kill or injure four or more victims, through its own researchers making it a good resource for examining trends in mass violence. Since 2013, Mass Shooting Tracker relies on what they call a “crowd-sourced database.” Volunteers from around the United States report into the main hub where the shootings are recorded. A “mass shooting” is defined as a single “outburst” of violence in which four or more people are killed and/or injured. There is at least one link to a news article from the city where the shooting took place.
From this it can seen that there is variation amongst the most common measures of mass violence including how they are measure, varying between three and four victims and some including only deaths while some include injuries and deaths, with most of the publicly available source focus on incidents involving firearms versus other weapons.
The authors also notes the availability of datasets that are related to but not directly measuring mass violence like the FBI’s and the NYPD’s respective active shooter database tracking incidents of active shooters, primarily for developing evidence based responses to active shooter incidents. Some organizations track all firearm related deaths and injuries in support of laws that restrict gun ownership like Everytown for Gun safety, which primarily utilizes CDC data and sets a threshold of four or more fatalities (excluding the perpetrator) for mass murder or the Brady Campaign and Center, an organization that got its start in the mid 70’s as a gun control group. It collect’s data on firearm injuries and deaths and has developed a comprehensive plan of strict gun regulation.
Other more detailed sources of data exist in the form of the Supplemental Homicide Reports (SHR) from the FBI, which adds another layer of details to the UCR’s homicide data. While information is provided about victim and offender numbers and demographics, their relationship, the circumstances, and weapons used however it doesn’t denote the location and other additional circumstances around the incident. The National Incident Based Report System (NIBRS) is a much more detailed crime reporting system than the UCR (and SHR), which it was set to replace in 2021, however less than half of law enforcement agencies are participating. Corzine and Corzine state that overall NIBRS will offer significant improvements over the UCR. All of the crimes people are arrested for will be in NIBRS rather than the one most serious crime a suspect is charged with, as is currently recorded in the UCR. NIBRS collects more detailed information on 52 crimes plus ten offenses for which only arrest data are known. By covering all of the crimes that a person committed during an incident of mass violence or with which he or she is being charged, much more is known about the event than can be found using the SHR.
The large number of incident variables which include things like location codes, time of day, and whether the incident as cleared by arrest provides much more detailed data, which is more conducive to statistical analysis research on mass violence incidents. The authors note that none of the official definitions of mass violence or its subtypes to date focus on family mass murders, but state there needs to be more attention given to the private or family type of mass violence, and this data set will allow for the study of 2 or more victims in public and private settings. Even using the more restrictive definition of four fatalities, these comprise approximately half of the mass murder events in the parts of the United States covered by NIBRS.
As the authors illustrated, differences in data sources of mass violence can provide different descriptive results, depending on if a mass shooting is defined by, and it number of victims derived from, different sources as some data include both dead and wounded in victim totals, while some only count the deceased, with starting points that could vary between three and four victims depending on the year the data was obtained. The availability of particular aspects of mass violence is also dependent on the source as some data sets lack important information like victim-offender relationship and location or setting and while public mass shootings have garnered a lot of attention, private setting or family mass murders provide another important avenue of research into mass violence. In particular the authors outline some implications and challenges for future research:
• One of the first things that must be done is to separate the various types of mass violence, so we can examine the uniqueness of each one.
• We need to study mass murder that occurs in public places and private places.
• We need to study the foiled cases.
• We need to understand how the role of mental health, or the lack thereof, is associated with mass killing.
• We need to explore who offenders choose as their targets and how they do so.
• We need to explore the influence that the hatred of certain groups has on the choice of who and where to target victims.
• We need to understand the role that loss plays in motivation, including the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one through divorce or death, and the loss of being viewed with respect.
The authors state that from a measurement standpoint, the data set that would best satisfy researchers’ needs will include the following:
• Two or more victims per private/family event who have been killed
• Three or more victims per public mass violence event who have been killed
• Any three or four injured persons occurring during the same incident
• Any history of an offender’s mental illness, a criminal record, or domestic violence
• All weapon(s) used to injure and/or kill victims
Having this information will generate more detailed, nuanced data that will allow law enforcement and researchers a better understanding of the circumstance around these events, distinguishing between subtypes of these events, how they might be prevented more often.
Huff‐Corzine, L., & Corzine, J. (2020). The devil’s in the details: Measuring mass violence. Criminology & Public Policy, 19(1), 317-333.
Welcome to Criminal Justice Access
For March, be sure to check out these two features:
At Issue-An examination of stop and frisk, particularly in the context of the NYPD, to explore the particulars of the program, whether it is effective as a crime prevention program, and whether the NYPD program infringed on the 4th and 14th amendments and exhibited racial bias
Editorials and Opinions-My reaction piece to At Issue-Stop and Frisk Practices where I explore the necessity for stop and frisk, and how the practice of stop and frisk can be preserved and revised while minimizing racial discord
Stop and Frisk Practices
Recently, former democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg was criticized for his past comments supporting the stop and frisk policy in New York during his tenure as mayor. On the face of his comments, he’s not wrong. Good police management puts resources where they are needed most and if a law enforcement or order maintenance perspective is being addressed, then the resources are put in high crime areas. Communities and citizens want the police to be proactive, not merely just responding to crimes that have already happened, but taking action to reduce or stop crime before it happens. If we want the police to stop crime in high crime areas, they should focus their investigative efforts on those most likely to commit crimes or carry weapons. As Bloomberg noted, the high crime areas in New York City are urban, disadvantaged neighborhoods with a high minority populations, and those most likely to commit crimes are their male residents aged 15 to 30.
However, because of the perception that stop and frisk practices unfairly target minorities, stop and frisk is currently being viewed as biased at least, and racist at worst. The questions at issue become; is stop and frisk a useful or effective law enforcement technique, is it at its core biased, or is it a matter of how its applied, and as it has been applied in NYC and other places, was the practice biased? In this literature review, I will be examining early assessments of stop and frisk, more current perceptions of stop and frisk, and the scientific literature that examines whether disparities in stops are actually evidence of bias and whether stop and frisk had had any effect on violent crime. As this review will focus to a great degree on NYC and its practices, stop and frisk practices will be referenced as SQF in this review, which in NYC and other localities, signifies Stop, Question, and Frisk.
Early Overview
In 1968 stop and frisk as a practice was formalized by Terry v. Ohio when the Supreme Court ruled that police officers have the right to stop an individual on the street if they have a reasonable suspicion that the person is involved in a crime, that a crime has just occurred, or is about to occur. The ruling also allowed officers to briefly search an individual (a pat-down, or frisk) for the purpose of ensuring the individual didn’t have a weapon, done to help ensure officer safety. Prior to this, stop and frisk had been a common practice for police officers but this ruling established some constitutional limits and guidelines on the practice. With a reasonable suspicion (a lower standard than the probable cause used in 4th amendment search and seizure cases) an officer can make a stop (a temporary detention as opposed to a seizure) for investigative purposes and conduct a frisk or pat down of the outer clothing (as opposed to a formalized search).
During the ’60’s there were concerns over the possibility of infringement on civil rights when engaging in SQF. In fact while Terry v. Ohio was decided in 1968, in 1964 Ronayne was examining the newly enacted NY stop and frisk law noting in English common law the use of a reasonable suspicion in searching from early 19th century policing, a concept that carried over to American policing. The NY law pushed for by the police department through the mayor’s office authorized the temporary detention of persons if the officer reasonably suspects that a felony, or certain misdemeanors, is occurring, had occurred, or was about to occur in order to ascertain information. Once stopped, if the officer reasonably suspects he is in danger of life or limb, may frisk that person for a dangerous weapon. Ronayne states that the main issue from the first half of the 20th century was whether such a stop actually is an arrest. One school of thought held that it is dependent on the individual, that once the person feels they are not free to leave the presence of the officer, an arrest has occurred. The other school of thought is that it is dependent on the officer to decide when an arrest, the actual taking into physical custody for a criminal offense, has occurred. In a variety of states, court cases arguing whether arrests and searches were constitutional typically came down on the side of law enforcement, as well as making the distinction between probable cause and reasonable suspicion, and the difference between a temporary detention and arrest, thereby establishing a right to investigate for the police (Ronayne, 1964).
In 1965, Kuh also commented on politicians and defense attorneys “pontificating” on the unconstitutionality of New York’s 1964 stop and frisk law. He claimed media sources had distorted the meaning by ignoring the wording of the law, and defends the use of the words “reasonable” as an already well defined term in the US legal system and “suspects” (as opposed to “believes”) as it takes in the experiences, observations, and judgements of police officers as a determinate of what raises suspicion to warrant a stop and frisk. He also notes the English common law usage of the term “reasonably suspects” as well as similar language in the US Uniform Arrest Act as providing historical precedent. NY’s law also states that while not an arrest, any person not identifying themselves or explaining their actions to the satisfaction of the officer may be detained and investigated for up to two hours, but Kuh also argues that contrary to critics, it doesn’t violate the 5th amendment against self-incrimination because the law doesn’t not command that the person do so. He argues as well about the clear distinction between a search and pat down, which is done to ensure officer safety, not to gather evidence.
However, in 1967, Schwartz contends that police training that tells officers to consider everyone as being possibly armed, and working in high crime neighborhoods, can too easily translate into an excuse to frisk everyone officers encounter. Schwartz also states that some case law has found that simply feeling a bulge that may be a weapon does not constitute the probable cause necessary to conduct a warrantless search by reaching into the pocket and removing the item. Schwartz notes that some cases appear more to involve the police searching for a weapon they anticipate the person will be carrying rather than out of fear of officer safety. Schwartz also argues that the definition “reasonably suspects” may be questionable as the police by nature are suspicious to a degree more so than an average, reasonable person. Officers may unjustly be suspicious of a minority in a white area, or a manner of dress or behavior may unjustly arouse their suspicions which will complicate already difficult police minority relations. This leads Schwartz to question the constitutionality of the law and whether it could be adequately policed and free from bias, asserting any law enforcement benefit is not balanced by the infringement of rights.
The Nineties Perspective
Some 30 years later, Schwartz’s and others’ early views were predictive both of the constitutionality challenges stop and frisk laws and practices must face as well as the impact it may have on minority communities. 1n 1994, Harris concludes that the courts permissive attitudes toward stop and frisk have widened the net as to what constitutes reasonable suspicion and well as when a frisk may be conducted to the point that all persons may be subject to a search. If the reasonable suspicion involved a crime that may be associated with violence police have the right to automatically frisk and don’t need an articulable reasonable suspicion of danger to the officer.
However, what crimes may be associated with violence is subjective. Two offenses Harris claims have watered down Terry are drug cases and burglaries. While drug traffickers may commonly be in possession of weapons, this has translated to anyone who may be involved with drugs may also be armed, thus requiring an automatic frisk over what may be simple drug possession. Harris notes several state court cases where officers have overstepped their bounds and conducted searches framed as frisks without probable cause or sometimes even reasonable suspicion, as well as the US Supreme Court case Mn v. Dickerson that allowed officers to seize contraband as admissible evidence if its identity as such is readily apparent through touch during a frisk. Harris also notes this net widening of frisks includes burglary, as the tools of the trade could be used as weapons, as well as what’s termed dangerous places and people such as in illegal gambling houses, high crime areas, companions of individuals arrested, people present during a search warrant, and people placed in squad cars. He concludes to much deference is given to police testimonial in contentious cases and that data should be gathered on the level of dangerousness in requiring frisks, as well as new and clear guidelines that establish what is allowable in these types of police interactions. Harris states too often race, seen as a proxy for criminality and dangerousness by the police, and becomes a component in reasonable suspicion. and Harris asserts that the existence of dangerousness must be present, not just could be present, in allowing a frisk.
Other jurisdictions faced the same challenges and questions as Murrill (1993) indicates in his review of Louisiana’s stop and frisk law and the 66 cases surrounding its use. Following Terry, four cases have helped define the ruling in Terry with the Supreme Court finding that: certain classes of typically non-violent crime (e.g. narcotics possession) don’t warrant an automatic frisk; an informant’s tip regarding weapon possession is sufficient to conduct a frisk; the physical observation of something that could be a weapon is sufficient to frisk, that persons in a location subject to a search warrant can’t be frisked, as well that specific circumstances, which while not separately signaling danger, that when taken in their totality, may present a reasonable risk of officer safety. However, state courts may not always follow these precedents in deciding stop and frisk cases. Louisiana law is similar to New York’s, indicating an officer may stop and question if a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity exists and may frisk, either if the officer reasonably suspects he’s in danger or if the officer reasonably suspects the person is carrying a weapon. Murrill notes certain types of cases often appear under the application of Louisiana stop and frisk; description cases where the person matches a description of someone wanted by the police for a violent crime, including in cases where information and descriptions are provided by informants; conduct cases where the conduct of the individual either before the stop, such as in a the Terry cases where the officer suspected a daytime robbery was about to occur, or during the stop, for example if a person makes a sudden or furtive movement toward an area, like a pocket or under a car-seat, which had the potential of containing a weapon, indicates a reasonable suspicion of weapon possession; appearance cases where the subject’s physical appearance leads to a suspicion they are armed, such as a bulge in the clothing suggestive of a concealed weapon, or in cases of intoxication as the justification is that intoxicated people may act irrationally, increasing danger to the officer, or in cases of fitting a drug courier profile. Other factors in these cases provided supplemental justification for these stops and searches including the presence of a high crime areas (which may disproportionately or adversely impact these high minority areas) officer’s personal knowledge of the suspect, the time of day or night, and the presence of more suspects than officers.
Murrill notes that 80% of the courts’ analyses examined the justification of the frisk separate from the justification for the stop itself, though in his view many of the cases disproportionately focus on the stop and pay a lesser attention to the justification of the frisk while the rest primarily considered the two actions as one. Murrill suggests that the court develop a more structured approach to stop and frisk analysis as each intrudes on different constitutional protections. Structure definition, and guidelines in differentiating and describing arrests versus Terry stops are important in making the distinction between the two but as Saleem (1997) notes, this may be increasingly difficult.
Saleem (1997) contends that the lower courts expansion on the Terry decision has watered down the standards of the 4th amendment because of the Supreme Courts reliance on an “artificial reasonableness” standard. Saleem asserts that societal fear of crime prompted the Supreme Court to dilute the probable cause standard of the 4th amendment and adopt a reasonable suspicion standard. This standard is insufficient, Saleem argues, as it presupposed a quintessential reasonableness standard, it’s employed in a biased manner to protect police without consideration of individual rights, and can be utilized to inappropriately focus on minorities. Increasing the ability of officers to stop and frisk also gives rise to more incidents of police use of force and longer periods of detention to effect the stops and frisks, all without meeting the probable cause standards of typical arrests and searches and introducing difficulty in making the distinction between a formal arrest and a stop and frisk. Saleem also contends that the public and police’s association of Blacks with crime make them a target for stops and frisks of an unreasonable nature. Saleem believes that as long as Blacks and other members of the public perceive the police to be biased or racist, then a stop by police of Blacks will have difficulty being construed as reasonable
Saleem also calls for more rules and guidelines that bring stop and frisks more in line with the tenets of the 4th amendment and for the Supreme Court to take a more active role in directing lower US court decision as well as provide clear guidance and distinction between an arrest and Terry stop, limit the use of force in Terry stops, and ensure that reasonable suspicions are clearly articulable and not couched in racial identity.
The 1999 NY OAG Report on NYPD Stop and Frisk Practices
1n 1999, the New York Attorney General’s office reviewed the practice and data related to SQF (Spitzer, 1999). The NYPD kept records of the stop and frisks conducted through form UF 250. A UF 250 needed to completed for every SQF officers conducted and it contained demographic information about the subject, details about the circumstances of the stop like place and time of day, and checkboxes to complete that detailed the reasonable suspicion justifications that the officer used to conduct a stop or frisk. This was in response to the case of Diallo v NY where the NYPD as sued over the shooting death of Diallo in a stop and frisk incident (Harris, 2013). The report analyzed 175,000 UF 250 SQF forms from 1998 through the beginning of 1999. Total stops were broken down by race; 50.6% Black (Black pop. 25.6%), 33% Hispanic (Hispanic pop. 23.7%) and 12.9% White (White pop. 43.4%). By precinct, where minorities constitute the majority of the population, they tended to see more SQF than white majority precincts, though a third of white majority precincts were in the top half of precincts with the most stops. Even with the understanding that high crime precincts tended to have large minority populations, this connection couldn’t fully explain the racial disparity in stops and they also found that the street crimes unit stopped blacks at a higher rate than the NYPD even after accounting for different crime rates
However, in terms of producing productive stops, that racial disparity is not evident in arrests, with the rate of arrests per stop for Blacks ( 1 per 9.5), Hispanics (1 per 8.8), and Whites (1 per 7.9) being similar. Stop rates compared to arrest rates also showed no racial disparity with Blacks making up 50% of the stops and 51% of arrests, Hispanics making up 33% of the stops and 30% of arrests, and Whites making up 13% of stops and 16% of arrests. However, while hit rates by race were also similar for Blacks (10.6%), Hispanics (11.6%), and White (12.6%), the low overall hit rate indicates the tactic is not particularly effective in effecting arrests or seizing contraband.
When examining stops by crime types across all the precincts and crime types Blacks were stopped 23% more than whites, while Hispanics were stopped 39% more than Whites. For suspicion of violent crime Blacks were stopped 2.1 time more than Whites and 2.0 times more than Whites on suspicion of carrying a weapon; these two types of stops accounted for slightly more than 53% of all stops. Blacks were also significantly less likely to stopped than whites or Hispanics on suspicion of property crimes (Spitzer, 1999).
Following the ruling against the NYPD and the release of the Attorney General’s 1999 report, as crime declined, contrarily, the NYPD increased the use of SQF. In 2003, officers stopped and frisked 160,000 people but by 2009 the number increased to more than 575,00, and by 2011, more than 685,000 people (Harris, 2013) This was driven by a desire to get guns off the street and reduce violent crime by focusing on the right places and right people. This intensive deterrence program that focused on those most likely to be involved in violent crime (minorities) in the most likely places (high crime neighborhood hotspots) led to increased criticism that the program was in violation of the 4th and 14th amendments. For example, Gelman (2006) examined 175,000 stops over a 15 month period used in the 1999 OAG report and disaggregated stops by precinct and accounted for race specific crime rates in the precincts to see if race specific crime rates could explain the racial disparity in stops. Using hierarchical modeling, even after controlling for these variables, they found Blacks and Hispanics were stopped more frequently than whites and surmised that the standards for stopping minorities were more relaxed than for whites as indicated by lower arrest rates for minorities.
The Rand Corporation (Ridgeway, 2007), also examined racial disparity in stops but examined it from a perspective of developing better benchmarks to determine if racial disparity exists. They note that using the general population to determine if a racial disparity exists is overly simplistic and prone to error. They suggest comparing the number of stops to either the racial distribution of criminal suspect descriptions or to race distribution of arrestees. An additional benchmark to determine the extent of racial disparities was to examine each individual officers stopping patterns in relation to stops made in similar circumstances to other officers. Using these benchmarks, racial disparity is not as evident. Utilizing criminal suspect description, Blacks were stopped at 20 to 30% lower than their representation in criminal descriptions would suggest, however Hispanics were stopped 5 to 10 % higher than their representation in criminal suspect descriptions.
Using the racial percentages of arrestees, Blacks were stopped at nearly the same rate as Whites but Hispanics were stopped at a slightly higher rate than would be suggested by racial arrest rate. These more refined benchmarks would suggest much less racial disparity when compared to the less accurate benchmark of total population which showed exaggerated racial disparity with Blacks stopped at a rate 50% higher than their general population.
The benchmark analyzing individual officers indicated that some racial disparity may be explained by officer activity. They found that just 7% (2,756) of the total number of officers accounted for 54% of the total number of 2006 stops. In patrolling the same areas, at the same times, and with the same assignments a very small percentage of officers (15 total) stopped substantially more Blacks or Hispanics than other officers, while another very small percentage of officers (13 total) stopped substantially less Blacks and Hispanics (Ridgeway, 2007).
In examining rates of frisk, search, use of force, and arrest while they found minorities experienced slightly more frisks and searches than whites, the recovery rate of contraband was higher for Whites than Blacks. In weapon recovery rates, there were no differences by race. Overall Rand found only small racial disparities when appropriate benchmarks are used and suggest that large restructuring of the NYPD’s SQF program may not be necessary.
Floyd v. NY and Current Perceptions
In 2008, The Center for Constitutional Rights initialed a class action suit against NYC and the NYPD alleging 4th and 14th amendment violations by the NYPD in the way SQF was performed. The court held that officers need reasonable , articulable suspicion of criminality to make stops consistent with the 4th amendment and that the plaintiffs were required to show that not only did SQF have a disparate racial impact but that it was at least in part of adopted for its adverse effects on certain racial groups (Huq, 2016). A 2013 ruling by US District Court Judge Scheindlin in the class action suit of Floyd v New York found that the NYPD had violated the 4th amendment as the stops lacked sufficient legal justifications (despite the Supreme Court’s previous ruling establishing that presence in a high crime area met the legal test of reasonable suspicion) and violated the 14th amendment by engaging in racial bias in its use of the SQF program (Meares, 2014). While the city stated that any apparently disproportional stopping of Blacks and Hispanics could be explained by racial differences in crime rates (Bellin, 2014), Meares also notes that a racial disparity or disparate impact on one portion of the community is not sufficient to show a violation but rather it must be shown that the state had discriminatory purposes. Such a ruling would require that for the government to have infringed on civil rights without violation, that it show a compelling interest and that this action was narrow in focus (Starkey, 2012). While stating that the effectiveness of SQF was not at issue, she did emphasize that only 1.5% of frisks found a weapon, with an even smaller percentage finding a gun (Bellin, 2014). However Bellin (2014) claims that by not permitting, let alone considering, the program’s effectiveness, the judge hampered the City’s ability to show it had a compelling interest (violent crime reduction) that was narrowly tailored (targeted to hot spots within precincts).
The 2013 NY OAG report states that following the Floyd decision, which was under appeal, neither the lower or appeals court addressed the effectiveness of stop and frisk in fighting crime. The report sought to determine effectiveness in the program by examining post-stop data from 2009 to 2012. The report found that between 2009 and 2012, those 2.4 million stops resulted in a 6% arrest rate, with only half of those leading to a conviction, and half of those (1.5% of total stops) led to a jail or prison sentence but just .15% of total stops led to a prison sentence longer than a year. Only one in 50 SQF arrests led to a conviction of a crime of violence and only 1 in 50 of these arrests led to a conviction of weapon possession (NY & Schneiderman, 2013)
The Floyd decision was almost immediately appealed and following the Floyd decision, criticism of SQF, NYC, and the NYPD was widespread. The examination by the court renewed examination by law professors and other academics on both 4th and 14th amendment grounds as well as in the context of the original Terry ruling. Law scholars were quick to find fault with the 4th and 14th amendment constitutionality of the program, sometimes to the point of hyperbole with article titles like “Stop and Frisk is Hazardous to your Health” (Ross, 2016), “From Stop and Frisk to Shoot and Kill” (Carbado, 2017), and even characterizing stop and frisk as torture-lite and terrorism in minority communities (Butler, 2014). Cooper (2018) describes SQF as a societal program for crime control that engages political entities and communities with conservative criminology, which caters to the police (who deem minorities as dangerous and crime prone), allowing them to exercise their explicit and implicit bias against minorities. Cooper claims the call for law and order is actually a backlash against the civil rights movement, and political forces have weakened the safeguards of Terry, allowing officers to operate with impunity. Carbado (2017) believes that when officers are trained to use violence and the legal system considers it justifiable, officers will use it indiscriminately in their increased encounters with minorities. While Howell (2015) notes a decrease in SQFs in NYC since the Floyd ruling, he claims that the NYPD is using gang policing as a way to continue to engage in SQF and control minorities. He states that large gang activity has been on the decrease for years and dismisses the NYPD’s claim that smaller, more geographically centered “crews” are engaging in significant gang activity.
While many of these criticisms focused on the NYPD, SQF was never exclusive to NYC, it has been in use throughout the US since the inception of policing (Kuh, 1965) but its use in major cities has been problematic; Chicago, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Seattle, Baltimore, Cleveland, Newark, Oakland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Boston, have either been forced to operate under a consent decree or by civil court order to revise and monitor its use of SQF (Harris, 2013, Huq 2017). What was different from these other urban centers was that the NYPD was documenting information of the stops they made, which helped make the case for the plaintiff in Floyd by demonstrating the documented racial disparities in SQFs.
4th Amendment Issues
At issue with the 4th amendment, Carbado (2017) states, was that the Terry decision actually weakened the amendment. The new standard of reasonable suspicion could too easily and arbitrarily applied to the detriment of minorities as was originally mentioned in the Terry ruling. The previous net-widening from what the original Terry ruling defined as a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity and threats to officer safety, and the sheer number of stops, likely has contributed stops and frisks that lacked legal sufficiency. The 1999 NY OAG report analyzed the UF 250 forms and found that while 61.1% met the legal requirement of reasonable suspicion, 15.4% did not meet the legal test, and 23.5% didn’t state a sufficient factual basis to determine if a reasonable suspicion existed. When Abrams (2014) looked at SQF in Philadelphia (who conducted SQF at much higher rates than NYC) following their entry into a consent decree in 2011, he found evidence that 40-50% of stops consistently lacked sufficient legal grounds
At issue as well was that the original intent of the Terry ruling as an investigative tool is different than the intent and practice engaged in a programmatic deterrence approach like New York’s (Meares, 2014; Skogan, 2017). Terry was intended to stop crime in progress which should then have a positive effect on arrests and weapon seizures, but many observers note that in NY “hit rates” for seizures and arrests per stop were quite low (Starkey, 2012; Meares, 2014; Ross, 2016; Goel, et al 2016). For example between 2004 and 2012 out of 4.4 million stops, and subsequent 2.3 million frisks only 6% were arrested and officers only seized guns in .1% of stops (Ross, 2016). However, the counter argument put forth by NYC and the NYPD is that the low rates of seizure and arrests are indicators the program is doing what it’s supposed to, deter people from breaking the law and carrying weapons (Harris, 2013, Ross, 2016).
Bellin (2014) found that while deterrence is effective, it’s unconstitutionality is what allows it to be effective, by incorporating arbitrary stops and indirect racial profiling. If individuals carrying weapons can simply avoid being subjected to a Terry stop by not appearing to engage in suspicious behavior, they can carry a gun with impunity. However, if individuals are subjected to high volume stop and frisk without justification, the likelihood of being discovered with a weapon increases. If being searched is inevitable, a powerful deterrence effect occurs (Bellin, 2014).
14th Amendment Issues
Critics of SQF see the high percentage of minorities stopped as evidence of racial bias, whether based either on percentage of total stops involving minorities or whether in the context of a rate comparing the general population’s racial makeup to the racial makeup of those most frequently stopped. This is often related as over 80 percent of stops were minorities while they only make up approximately half the city population (e.g. Starkey, 2012). However, for the argument of 14th amendment allowable infringement on civil rights, the state must show a compelling interest and a narrowly targeted action. However, a violation exists if it is shown the state intended its action to have a discriminatory effect. In dealing with a protected class like race, not employing SQF based on officers’ individual observations and judgment but rather on social characteristics of race, gender, age, and SES unfairly distributes the effect (Skogan, 2017) Even if crime prevention was the goal, the state would know its activity, which would likely be perceived negatively, was intended to focus on minorities, based on its own statistics. Indeed, NYPD testimony from Floyd made clear who should be a focus of SQF; “within the pool of people displaying reasonably suspicious behavior, those who fit the general race, gender, and age profile of the criminal suspects in the area should be particularly target for stops” additionally claiming “it’s not racism just statistics”. From the criminological perspective of racial threat theory, the fact that disadvantaged neighborhoods are primarily made up of minorities and that police resources are focused in these areas already suggests that the state has an implicit bias against minorities and the places they reside as needing to be managed because of their criminality (Kramer and Remster, 2016). Adding to the suggestion of the existence of racial bias is the harm disparate impacts may have.
Harm caused
Many observers as well note the harm that intrusive and constitutionally questionable practices has on police legitimacy. Random searches, seemingly without justification, that seem to be inordinately targeting minorities, generates fear and mistrust of the police. Ross (2016) claims the program is designed to cause the public to fear the police. Butler (2014) contends that SQF is discriminatory and an abuse of power designed to humiliate and control minorities. This in turn leads to emotional and psychological harm, which might cause withdrawal from outside community activities, and generate poor overall health, depression, stress, and PTSD (Butler 2014; Ross, 2016). Some authors (e.g. Ross, 2014; Harris, 2013) noted that any crime control benefits must be balanced against the harm they may cause. Huq (2017) states that the problematic history of police/minority relations must be taken into consideration when contemplating the introduction of a program that may have a negative effect on minorities. This lack of legitimacy also hampers the ability of the police to be effective, generates non-compliance in subjects, and contributes to larger negative perceptions of the police (Butler, 2014; Meares, 2014; Hanink, 2014; Ross, 2016; Skogan, 2017; ) How that perception is generated is somewhat dependent on the individual, their environment, and their experiences (Meares, 2014). Bellin’s (2014) data indicated that while youths did not like NYC’s SQF policy they did admit they thought it was effective at keeping guns off the street. Evans and Williams’ 2017 research examined public perceptions of SQF policy controlling for race, experiences with the police, and education among other variables They found, in general, Whites had more support for SQF than Blacks or Hispanics. However, they found that those who had experienced SQF, or who knew a close friend or family member who experienced SQF, were less supportive of SQF while those who were more highly educated, who knew more about the program, or who knew a police officer were more supportive. They also found that for Blacks, an increase in knowledge led to less support, which the authors surmise as an effect of the media’s focus on racial bias of the program (as opposed to crime reduction) which operates in a similar matter to the negative perceptions generated by vicarious accounts.
Researchers proffered solutions to the constitutionally challenged practice such as Plaintiff Burdened Deliberate Indifference which takes the onus off plaintiffs in proving a defendant intended to discriminate, and instead replaces it with the requirements that the defendant be notified of an inequality in application, be provided with an alternative action that would not exhibit bias, and subsequently the defendant failed to act upon it (Starkey, 2012). Fradella and White (2017) contend that changes in officer selection, improved training, clearer policies, a reinforcement of utilizing procedural justice in encounters, enhanced supervision, and outside oversight could allow the continued use of stop and frisk in an unbiased legally defensible manner. Limiting officer discretion through revised standards and clear policy, setting clear, specific, and definable law enforcement goals to be accomplished through SQF, and changes in the reporting form, requiring narrative spaces rather than check boxes are some of Fallon’s (2013) suggestions in eliminating inappropriate uses, along with better middle management engagement in officer conduct and refining the definition of reasonably suspicious behavior.
Current Research
Effect on Crime
Opponents of SQF contend that the low number of arrests and seizures of contraband (weapons and drugs) demonstrate that it is an ineffective program. However, proponents claim that its true effect on crime is one of deterrence, as evidenced by the low number of seizures, signifying that the program is dissuading young people from carrying weapons. It bears mentioning again that SQF as conducted in NYC between 1999 and 2013 were not simply Terry stops where officers are investigating what appears to be a crime in process or behavior related to criminal activity in a specified context. It was a generalized stop and frisk program conducted for the purpose of reducing violent crime, conducted in hotspots of violent crime throughout NYC, and focused on individuals that statistically were more involved in violent crime; young, black males. The Mayor’s office and the NYPD were clear in their desire to reduce violent crime and focus on “the right people”. Indeed, NYPD data shows suspects in shootings were 78% Black, 19% Hispanic, 2.4% White and .5% Asian (Bellin, 2014).
Bellin (2014) makes the point about deterrence effectiveness in his analysis of a number of benchmarks examined during a time period of extensive SQF. Utilizing data from CDC and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene surveys, Bellin suggests that SQF deterred high schools students from carrying a gun, cutting it in approximately half from 1997 to 2011.Other data also indicates that teenagers carrying a gun in the last 30 days was also cut in half between 1997 and 2011. The Health Department emphasized that prevalence of gun carrying in NYC was the lowest among 26 other cities studied with Black teenagers experiencing almost a threefold reduction in gun carrying. Bellin also found between 2000 and 2011, the rate of firearm homicides fell by a third, rate of firearm injury hospitalizations decreased by 20% as well as a 21% reduction in firearm assault injuries. Shootings fell during this period as well with firearms deaths decreasing from 524 to 366, and with a reduction in non-lethal shootings as well.
Bellin notes similar effects found in Kansas City and Philadelphia citing the strongest argument for the effectiveness of these programs is the lack of alternative explanations. While crime everywhere, including NYC, was on the decline, no other major city experienced the precipitous drop in firearm violence that NYC experienced during this period of SQF nor was the effect of any other program or practice evidenced as causing such a sharp decline. Cassell and Fowles (2018) also support the deterrence effect generated by intensive SQF programs. They contend that the ACLU’s consent decree activity to suppress Chicago’s SQF program in December 2015 led to an increase in homicides. Following a sharp decrease in SQF, in 2016 the authors estimate approximately 236 additional victims were killed and 1,115 additional shootings occurred, with these costs of violence distributed amongst the minority populations.
In exploring effectiveness of SQF, Weisburd, et al (2016) recognized that SQF activities are concentrated in hotspots, so a microunit of analysis was more appropriate than larger geographic areas for their analysis of daily and weekly crime incidents. They indicted two causal chains were at work, that crime incidents prompted SQF and that the application of SQF reduces crime, and that trends of both distributions are strongly related over time. Their results indicated that SQF in hotspots caused a significant decrease in crime within small areas across short periods of time. They also found little evidence of crime displacement but there was evidence of diffusion of the crime control benefits. Weisburd, et al state this provides support for the effectiveness of deterrence and they aren’t surprised by the results as focusing police resources on hotspots has typically been an effective crime reduction technique. While effective, they also concede that aggressive policing tactics may be a threat to police legitimacy.
While having reasonable suspicion factors to initiate a stop form the constitutionally protected 4th amendment basis for the practice, analysis of reasonable suspicion justifications and their legal sufficiency, or lack thereof, may indicate bias, as one possible explanation for racial disparity. Swank’s (2018) interviews with officers probed their reasonable suspicion justification, which fell within five categories; Suspect Behavior (suspected drug activity, furtive body movements, taking flight, hiding, unspecified nervous behavior, and being in possession of a firearm), Location of Suspect (presence in high crime area, drug activity location), Time of Incident (nighttime encounters), Policing Style (officers felt being proactive was part of community policing, not just being reactive), and Knowledge of the Suspect (prior knowledge of subject’s drug activity or weapon possession, knowledge from other officers,-some responded, depending on knowing the officer, intel could be as good as if they’ observed it themselves). However none of the officers admitted to using any extralegal criteria, such as race. Avdija (2014) also examined reasonable suspicion justifications and the frequency of their use. (See Chart 1)
Chart 1.Reasonable suspicion justifications in stop and frisk

If SQF were to be conducted in line with the original Terry ruling, that of a reasonable suspicion that a crime is, has , or is about to take place, many of the reasons indicated above do not meet that criteria but entail only generally suspicious behavior. Only six of the 14 justifications actually address possible criminal behavior with others being highly subjective such as fugitive movements, a suspicious bulge, or carrying a suspicious object.
Racial Disparity or Bias
While many commenters (e.g. Starkey, 2012) point to the fact that over 80% of SQF were effected against Blacks even though they made up only slightly more than half of NYC’s population as evidence of racial bias, this position is overly simplistic (Ridgeway, 2007). For an appropriate analysis of whether the program was racially biased the unit of analysis should focus on the activity by precinct (as many of the researchers below do) as these more closely corresponded to the hotspots that were the focus of intense SQF. The racial and ethnic population makeup of these precincts is a more appropriate denominator to use in calculating rates of stops, frisks, and arrests. Consideration also has to be given to the populations of those hotspots, which tend to be overwhelmingly minority, and that crime rates are high in these disadvantaged neighborhoods, in whether bias exists in SQF. Abrams (2014) in discussing research on SQF noted that in the Floyd case, Fagan (2004) used regression analysis to estimate the impact of race on stop rates but Abrams stated this approach is “difficult to implement and interpret” because these analyses are only as good as the number and importance of variables that are controlled for. It falls upon researchers to develop the most comprehensive models they can but there is still the risk that important variables with explanatory power, such as economic status of the area, or its crime rates might not be included. As with the research discussed below, these models varied as to what variables are controlled for. Within the unit of analysis, more appropriately a precinct, beat, or neighborhood, and within the stop, variables like demographic makeup, level of police presence, officer race, subject demeanor, behavior and compliance, location of the stop, time of day of stop, and type of stop justifications utilized, all may provide explanatory power as to why racial disparities are observed. For example, in 2015 Coviello and Persico examined whether SQF is biased, at either the individual officer level or at the Chief level, as defined by the police resources allocated, however they found no evidence in that aspect. They considered that racial bias by officers could be identified by examining the success rates of stops. They also did not find support for officer bias in arrest as arrest rates for stopped Blacks and Whites were essentially identical. They noted that Blacks are stopped more frequently than Whites but the authors conclude that this disparity could be explained by unaccounted variables and not necessarily by officer bias.
The research does indicate that while race is not the strongest factor in determining rates of police activity it does play into the equation. Hanink’s 2014 study of NYPD’ SQF sought to determine if the rate of SQF was dependent on a precinct’s crime rate or if it was also influenced by other factors like race or poverty. He found the strongest predictor was the precinct’s crime rate, but also that an interaction between Black and percentage below the poverty was a statistically significant predictor of the rate of stops. Evans, et al (2014) notes that the highest stop and frisk rates by race occurred in geographic areas with high numbers of those races, as well as that these areas correspond to hotspots of criminal activity. Their regression analysis of NYC precincts showed that Black and Hispanic race had a significant positive association with SQF rates but they also found a significant negative relationship between owner occupied hosing and rates of SQF. (This may be explainable in that with more rental property in the area, public space is utilized more than private space, leaving residents more observable to the police). However, their regression models only explained a third of the variation in total stops and only about half the variation in rates of Black SQF. They recognized some of the limitations of their study including a lack of variables like suspect demeanor, precinct crime rate, race of officer, and extent of police presence in the area.
In 2016 Goel, et al examined 3 million stops over five years, focusing on suspected criminal weapon possession and calculated the ex-ante probability of finding a weapon and found in over 40% of cases the likelihood of finding a weapon was less than 1%. They also found Blacks and Hispanics were disproportionately stopped and had lower hit rates (2.5% and 3.6%, respectively) compared to White hit rates (11%) which, rather than racial bias, they trace to a low threshold for stopping, regardless of race in high crime areas and a lower threshold for stopping Blacks relative to similarly situated Whites. They note stop and frisk is an extremely localized tactic that was concentrated in high crime areas, which are predominantly populated by minorities so a lower tolerance for suspicious behavior in high crime areas (and thus lower hit rates) could account for the racial disparities. When accounting for this they note that most of the racial disparity disappears. The authors also discussed how utilizing a probability formula that includes a simple scoring threshold of the three most common productive weapon indicators, officers can improve hit rates by conducting the stops most likely to be productive. They demonstrated that hit rates can vary widely by location; 1% in some public housing locations, up to 30% for transits stops in some areas but within these regions, hit rates are much more similar between blacks and whites than citywide averages. They state that while some disparity may be driven by discrimination, variation in local stop thresholds appear to be the main driving force behind racial disparity. However, from their search probability calculus they estimate that only 6% of the stops needed to have been made to recover the majority of weapons, while conducting 58% of the stops deemed most likely would have turned up 90% of the weapons. This approach would not only save on police resources but mitigate police relations problems.
Avdija (2014) analyzed whether there was racial bias in utilizing a frisk by examining factors that were predicative of a frisk, He found the strongest predictor was male gender, being 2.8 times more likely than females, followed by proximity to crime scene, (2.0x), and evasive in questioning (1.9x). Blacks and Hispanics were both 1.7 times more likely than Whites to be frisked. Avdija suggests this is more gendered policing than race, as males are typically targeted but also contends that neither variable has much explanatory power in SQF in that targeted policing is based on place, offense, offender, and time specific dependency. Avdija states the reason for disparity in SQF is that because of ecological conditions minorities disproportionately commit more crimes. It is not racial bias that causes officers to focus on minorities rather it is the individual actions of criminals that generate the profiles that are used in proactive policing practices like SQF, thus establishing the legitimacy of racial disparities.
For comparison, Skogan (2017) examined SQF in Chicago with survey data and his research showed that in 2013, Chicago’s stopping rate was four times higher that NYC, and the racial break downs were similar, 72% Black, 17% Hispanic, and 9% White. Analysis showed in Chicago the main predictor of being stopped was being under age 35 followed by Black race and male gender. Other disparities were evident, 75% of Blacks and Hispanics were asked for ID (White 56%) Black and Hispanic searches ranged between 20-30% (Whites 6-9%). While 30-35% of Blacks and Hispanics stated they had some form of force used against them (compared to 14% of Whites), it was people 16-35, those less educated, and those with lower incomes that were most likely to have force used against them. Besides these disparities, Skogan also found large disparities in perceptions of legitimacy and trust for the police with only 44.5% of Blacks exhibiting any trust in Chicago PD compared to 68% of Hispanics and 80% of Whites, a significant finding even after controlling for their SQF experiences.
In 2018, Kramer and Remster also examined to see if there was any disparity in use of force against minorities during SQF utilizing four hypotheses. Operating under the racial threat theory, they presumed that if disparities exist they can be explained by officer racial bias (however the authors doesn’t include race of the officer as a control variable in the analysis). They do, however, concede that a number of other variables not accounted for in their research could influence the use of force including subject demeanor, levels of racial noncompliance, and variations in race for violent crime activity. They hypothesized that after controlling for their other variables, Blacks, compared to Whites, would experience more police use of force, that any racial disparity in use of force will be large in productive stops, that with any racial disparity, use of force will be greater with younger people, and that post Floyd, racial disparities will be reduced compared to pre-Floyd. Logistic regression showed that many other variables to greater extent than Black race made the use of force more likely. While Blacks were only 1.3 times more likely than Whites to have force used, other variables including the Stop Outcomes of arrest made (3.2 times more likely), weapon found (2.1), contraband found (1.5), as well as the variables of younger people aged 10 to 34 (1.3-1.5), male gender (1.6), and Civilian Behavior of verbal threat (1.7 times), violent crime suspect (2.4), and non-compliant (2.6) carried a higher risk of experiencing any kind of use of force (Kramer and Remster, 2018).
Examining just one of the force categories, gun drawn, the odds of experiencing this form of force for Blacks did not change compared total force. However, factor like Stop Outcomes, and Civilian Behavior demonstrated an increased likelihood of being a factor in gun drawn force compared to total force. In dividing between productive and unproductive stops, Blacks, while still experiencing slightly greater risk of increased force than Whites (1.3 times) in non-productive stops, their risk of experiencing force actually decreased during productive stops. However, their odds went from 1.2 to 1.6 for a gun drawn during a productive stop. Again, Civilian Behavior increased the risk of having all manner of force applied as well as having a gun drawn in both nonproductive and productive stops and to a far greater degree than the Black race variable. Male and age continued to be significant factors to a greater degree than Black in productive cases where a gun is drawn. The authors also didn’t support for their fourth hypothesis; there was no significant difference in Blacks experiencing any kind of force between pre and post reform and despite officers increasing the use of guns drawn post reform, there was no significant difference between Blacks and Whites with this potential lethal force (2018).
Kramer and Remster’s research indicated that civilian behavior does seem to factor into use of force. In 2018, Rahman examined UF 250 forms from 2005-2012 to determine whether a subject’s non-compliance, within the context of race, would generate use of force in a SQF. Their analysis found that Blacks and Hispanics were overrepresented in the use force relative to their representation in the total distribution of stops, both in compliant or non-compliant encounters (though the researchers did not account for crime rate in area of the stop or type of crime that was being investigated by the stop). They also found that the precincts with the greatest number of stops using force were also mainly populated by minorities. The author’s data did show that a greater percentage of stops involved non-compliance with Blacks (70%) compared to Hispanics (68%) and Whites (63%) however they did not analyze these numbers to see if there was a statistically significant difference. The data also demonstrated that the difference between the rates of force used in noncompliant stops by race were small. Force was used in noncompliant stops 27.3% of the time with Blacks, compared to 21.3% of the time with Whites. Overall, their regression models found that between 30 and 38% of the variance in the decision to use force was driven by precinct characteristics. However as noted in the introduction, inclusion of more variables may further explain these disparities. For example, the authors used seven measures of noncompliance that included changing direction at the sight of a police officer, evasive response to questioning, visibly engaging in criminal activity, making furtive movements, refusing to comply with the officer’s directives, verbal threats by the suspect, and criminal possession of a weapon. However some of these non-compliant behaviors will undoubtedly be more likely to generate the use of force than others, so it would be informative in analyzing racial disparities in use of force to determine if there were differences in the kinds of noncompliant behavior between races.
In what started as a long overdue formalization of a common policing practice, the investigative tool of stop and frisk, established as an expansion of the 4th amendment, transformed into a general deterrence program in NYC and other cities. Widening the definition of what conditions generate a reasonable suspicion allowed officers justification to increase the number of stops. However, as the number of stops increased so did criticism of the program, asserting that it violated both the 4th and 14th amendments, Critics argues that SQF as applied by the NYPD, besides being ineffective at stopping crime, as measured by the low hit rates ins stops, and low numbers of arrests, too often lacked the legal justification of an articulable reasonable suspicion of criminal activity afoot. Critics also contend the practice violated the 14th amendment because racial disparities were found in some analyses. Proponents argue that the required 4th amendment justifications for stopping and frisking have been established by legal precedent and that the low rates of seizures and arrests actually indicates that the intensive policing has caused a deterrence effect, which they claim was responsible for the dropping violent crime rate. Proponents also argue that racial disparities are not an indication of bias, a necessary component in violations of the 14th amendment. They instead contend that the racial makeup of stops and frisks reflects the inhabitants of the high crime areas where SQF is typically applied as well as the higher crime rates among minorities and the prevalence of minorities in suspect descriptions. A 2013 US District Court decision, however, found the city violated the amendments and as many researchers and observers noted, the program and the subsequent court decision has damaged police legitimacy.
Research into whether the program was effective depends on your perspective. In terms of seizures, arrests, and convictions, research consistently showed low rates suggesting ineffectiveness but research also demonstrated that deterrence was an effective means at reducing gun carrying and gun violence. However, what makes the deterrence program effective, the random but omnipresent nature of being stopped and searched, sometimes without clear legal justification for what sometimes could be innocuous behavior, is what the 4th amendment was designed to protect the people from. The issue of 14th amendment violation rested on evidence of bias, which could be assumed if, after for controlling for alternative explanations, disparities still exist. The research demonstrated that proper benchmarks need to be used to first determine disparity before considering bias. Because SQF was a targeted program, analysis consistently showed it was heavily applied in hotspots of crime. The residents of these hotspots were overwhelmingly minorities. Thus, just by the nature of the precinct demographics, the racial rates of SQF, while overwhelmingly focused on minorities, closely mirrored the populations of the area. Other disparities beyond that can be at least partially accounted for by lower thresholds for stopping in high crime neighborhoods, racial crime rates, and subject demeanor. However as evidenced in this review, the importance of the comprehensive but correct inclusion of variables can vary from study to study and that as analyses in this area becomes more refined, racial disparities tend to diminish, presenting the conclusion there is little if any racial bias present in remaining disparities.
Practical remedies for improving and refining the practice are broad ranging from improved office training, documentation form revision, policy and guideline development and implementation, increased middle management interaction with officers, outside review, analysis, and oversight, and the incorporation of procedural justice elements. The changes would be expected to meet the legal standards of the 4th amendment and Terry ruling, prevent mistreatment during SQF, improve hit rates, mitigate disparate impacts on the minority communities, and improve police relations with the public
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Fixing Stop and Frisk
Support for Stop and Frisk as an Incident Practice
The fact that stop and frisk, within the context of the Terry ruling, was misused, doesn’t preclude it from being necessary and useful. Stop and frisk is an important investigative tool for law enforcement. Without the ability to stop and frisk, the police are hamstrung in their efforts in proactive policing. We have an expectation that the police will be proactive in an attempt to halt or prevent crime by investigating suspicious circumstances, trusting in the individual officers’ training, experiences, and abilities to identify and react to these circumstances. Police officers need the ability to act on their suspicions. Without the ability to temporarily detain and question in order to identify the subject and satisfy their suspicions, criminally minded individuals could simply ignore officers’ questions and commands and walk away with impunity. However, besides those who question the constitutionality of the Terry ruling, there are concerns, and as indicated in At Issue, some evidence, that not all stop and frisks met the Terry standard. While its use as a program versus incidental use is discussed below, for incidental stops there should be assurances that officers are operating within the guidelines of the Terry ruling.
Revising Stop and Frisk Documentation
To assist in that regard, the establishment of a reporting system, or the refinement to existing forms and systems is necessary. With an appropriate design, the form will allow for the collection of criminal intel that could be gathered from the stop, allowing for both police departments and researchers’ examination of the form data for analysis of criminal intel as well as statistical program analysis. The field stop form should exist in both an electronic format that is accessible, searchable, and fileable from the car, and in a short form paper format that officers can fill out as the stop progresses, as opposed to filling out the form later, or transferring field notes from a notebook to the form. Ultimately, the form will contain data on the different aspects of the stop with spaces for information on the:
Officer-Name, Age, Gender, Race or Ethnicity, Years with dept., Precinct, Beat, Shift
Subject-Name, Age, Gender, Race or Ethnicity, Height, Weight (if able to be determined or verified through officer or subject), Level of non-compliance, and Statements made
Location and Circumstances-Physical location or address of stop, Time of day, Weather, Whether the stop was associated with a particular location like a business, housing project, or public transit spot
Reason for Stop-Utilizing a blank space for a narrative, not checkboxes with preprinted justifications
Officer and Subject information will allow departments to examine individual officer performance; to determine the number of stops performed, the productivity of the stops (hit rates), whether more experienced officers are more productive and can be utilized as a training resource, and, based on subject demographics, data could be used to deflect or verify criticisms of individual officer bias. Departments can also use the data to analyze precinct, beat, and shift activity for patterns of effective operation, developing problem areas, and changes in geographic and demographic criminal activity. For researchers, these benefits are the same, with variables like officer race and subject noncompliance being especially informative in examining issues of racial bias by officers in stops, frisks, and arrests.
Location and circumstances information will provider a more comprehensive picture of the circumstances under which stop and frisk are conducted (night, bad weather) and how those may have influenced any of the other circumstances or outcomes of the stop. It will also be informative to have a determination of whether the stop and frisk activity may be focused on certain locations (as well as dependent on the time of day, shift, or beat). At Issue discussed the findings that the productivity of stops varied widely by location. Certain businesses and locations can be criminogenic, drawing both criminals and victims, and while the beat officer may realize this, it also provides a mechanism for intelligence analysis and dissemination across shifts, beats, and precincts. Utilizing this data may allow departments to better refine their focus on existing or emerging criminogenic locations and businesses.
Incorporating a blank space for stop justifications rather than checkboxes is one way to help preserve the Terry standard, and defend against 4th amendment violations. Having officers write out their justifications forces them to comply with an important component of “reasonable suspicion”, that the reason for the stop be articulable. Utilizing checkboxes allows officers to habitually start using cognitive shortcuts by having the decisions written out in front of them, waiting for them to choose one, or retroactively choosing the justification that seemed most appropriate. While some commenters have lamented the net widening of justification for stops (and frisks), officers have to be given some deference in determining what is (articulable) suspicious in making a stop. Recognizing suspicious behavior that may be a prelude to criminality is a skill not well understood by the general public and most academics and one, that for officers, takes both natural aptitude and investigative street experience, to obtain. The cues that officers receive may be innocuous to many observers; the subject nervously hitching up his pants indicates he could take flight, unconsciously touching the waistband or pocket likely indicates a concealed weapon, subtly changing one’s stance indicates they are about to be combative, how often a person scans the environment indicates a lookout, the length and type of contact between two individuals on the street could indicate a drug transaction. For officers to be proactive we assume and expect that they develop those skills of picking out suspicious behavior. They should be allowed to act upon them as long as they articulable. In having to articulate them officers can more easily self-monitor the appropriateness and legal sufficiency of their actions.
The stop is a temporary detention to allow officers to investigate, i.e. question, the subject. Either through questioning, or the presentation of identification, the identity and address of the subject should be determined, the request for this information wholly justified by their presentation of suspicious behavior. All of the information obtained should also be incorporated on the field stop form. The questioning process will always vary depending on the particular situation and the matter under investigation but officers typically will look for explanations, given to their satisfaction, for the subject’s behavior or presence in the area. It can be from this questioning that additional suspicions can arise (as well as from the justification for the stop) that will prompt an officer to frisk a subject.
This is another feature that can’t be denied to officers, as long as it follows the Terry standard of being minimally intrusive. The expansion of situations that might comprise an issue of officer safety is justified, however they need to be limited to weapons searches and not expanded into other contraband. High crimes areas, by virtue of being so, constitute an increased risk to officer safety, and within these high crime area, public attitudes toward the police can be hostile, which might result in greater non-compliance, threats and attacks on the police. While drug possession is typically considered a nonviolent crime, drug transactions are another matter. As drug transactions that will be observable to officers will likely occur in the relative open in high crime areas, both the dealer and buyer run the risk of violence perpetrated against them through deals gone sour, and by street robbery and rival crews. Conducting transactions in risky areas will certainly prompt many of these individuals to arm themselves for protection, and in turn the police need protection from these individuals by a weapons frisk. But in keeping a broader acceptable range of frisk justifications, they also must be articulable, with an appropriate narrative of such included on the field stop form.
Changing the Way Stop and Frisk is Done With Individuals
However, there are ways that stop and frisk can be utilized that can mitigate some of the intrusiveness and perceived bias, and help promote police legitimacy. Regardless of the officers’ justifications for the stop, its crucial for officers to take a procedural justice approach. Hit rates can vary widely and, as the data showed in NYC and other places, it is more unlikely than likely an officer will recover contraband or make an arrest. So to help mitigate that intrusion on a possibly innocent person, officers will use their communication skills to approach the stop with dignity and respect for the subject, to be upfront and truthful with the subject, to allow the subject to have a voice in the matter, and to be fair and without bias in dealing with the subject. This entails maintaining politeness and respect as the subject is approached. The subject should be informed why he is being stopped, which should be the same reason articulated on the field stop form. When questioning, that same level of respect should try to be maintained, (though admittedly this is difficult when the subject is lying to you). The officer should explain what information he is seeking and why, so that it is clear to the subject what it was that made the officer suspicious and the purpose of the officer’s questioning. For example, to identify the subject, to seek information about a crime that occurred, or to ask the subject to explain his suspicious actions. Rather than asking “what ya doing around here”, officers need to be more precise, and polite, in their approach. “I stopped you because you were loitering in a drug trafficking area. Are from this area, or do have some business here?”.
Frisks also need to be done appropriately and with a statement to the subject about the justification for the frisk, the same as the articulable reason on the field stop form, with an explanation to the subject that it is done for both the officer’s and the subject’s safety and that it is only checking for weapons. The officer should explain to the subject where, and in the manner, they are going to be touched during the frisk, and be empathetic toward feelings of intrusion they may feel. These approaches help ensure that the public feels like the police have trustworthy motives and is listening to the subject and communicating rather than just talking at them. In doing so, the effects of an intrusive encounter can be mitigated while bolstering police legitimacy.
To assist officers in employing procedural justice during stop and frisks, practical experience in conducting and explaining stop and frisk behavior should be provided both to new officers and as in-service training. Improving their written communication skills is important as well in assisting officers in how to translate their observational experience (as noted above in the discussion of stops) into articulable statements. Officers often refer to a hunch, gut feeling, or their sixth sense in what draws their attention and makes them want to investigate. However, the Terry ruling was clear that a hunch is insufficient for a stop. In my discussions with police officers, this hunch is likely an unconsciously generated cue based on their past observational experiences. Its something an officer has seen before that was prelude to criminality or danger, it signals to the officer that “something isn’t right”. The challenge is assisting officers in breaking down their hunches to those base cues that are articulable and written communication skills programs could assist in that.
Changing the Way Stop and Frisk is Done in the Community
Stop and frisk is problematic as a general deterrence program. Even though evidence suggests it was targeted to hotspots and appropriately focused on those most likely to be involved in violent crime, ultimately it casts too wide of a net and generated feelings of over-policing and rights violations. However, larger scale deterrence generated by stops and frisks can still be utilized if limited in scope in a crackdown. Crackdowns (on guns for example) could be cycled through major hotspots for limited periods of time, or applied as necessary to flareups in hotspots. To help mitigate tensions, buy-in and cooperation with local community or neighborhood leaders is important. They can assist in announcing the crackdown beforehand to the community, neighborhood, or beat, provide a voice of community support for the police in its efforts on crime, and serve as a liaison, monitor, and information source between the community and the police. This will still provide for a deterrent effect but its limited scope, and coordination with the neighborhood and its leaders, will help repair or establish police legitimacy. The stops and frisks themselves will still need to be done with adherence to Terry and in a procedurally just manner however, officers won’t be increasing the number of stops they make which could lead to a weakening of reasonable suspicion justifications, but rather increasing the number of officers in the crackdown area.
An Alternative to Stop and Frisk
Terry stops were meant to be used as an investigative practice necessary for proactive policing and officer safety and were not intended for programmatic use. However as justifications expanded, it was morphed into a deterrence program, like Broken Windows Theory morphed into Zero Tolerance policing, that overstepped its boundaries and damaged police/public relations. The deterrence program may have been effective in reducing violent crime as it focused on high crime areas and those individuals more likely to be involved in crime (younger male residents). But by doing so communities did and will pay a cost in anger and mistrust of the police, as those primarily focused on were minorities which results in a loss of police legitimacy and hampers law enforcement efforts as the public becomes uncooperative.
Stop and frisk in NYC was focused on the “right kind of people” which is supposed to be young males in high crime areas. While its violation of the 14th amendment may be arguable as it was not the state’s intention to utilize SQF to adversely affect or benefit one racial group over another, but rather the state was indifferent to the racial disparities and its effect and perception of the practice suggests it targets minorities. Because with programmatic SQF there is no real discrimination between who are actually the right people, the criminals, and who are the law abiding, non-problematic residents of the neighborhoods.
While as an investigator, it might be tempting to just shake the trees and see what falls out, an alternative to stops and frisk, is an informal field stop which can be useful for gathering information. Rather than shaking down youths in the neighborhoods, officers could take a more nonconfrontational approach. Officers can approach individuals not based on suspicion but just as a potential information source. Officers take a friendlier, more informal approach and try to build a rapport with the subject to have a conversation rather than an interrogation. A friendlier approach allows people to let their guard down and building a rapport with the subject will get them talking more freely, which allows the officer to guide the conversation toward what he wants to know.
It is important to get to know the residents of the beat; a good cop should be able to read people and figure out through the interactions, and the intel gathered in these interactions, who the problem people are and who the law abiding ones are. This allows officers to focus their efforts on the bad guys while building a sense of trust with the law abiding neighborhood residents. Good street cops should be using these contacts and developing formal and informal informants from their interactions, as well as building rapport, trust, and good will with residents. This approach in either stop and frisks or in an informal stop, can turn a potentially negative encounter for both parties into one that may be neutral for the public and positive for the officer as he may be able to gather intel either on general or specific criminality on his beat or will get to know and distinguish between the different types of people on his beat. This will also benefit future investigations as well as enhance their proactive behavior by having a better idea on who to focus on rather than just blindly casting a wide net.
Approach to Racial Bias Analysis
In the situation with NYC, racial disparities were cast as racial bias, but just like the rule “correlation doesn’t mean causation”, disparity doesn’t mean discrimination. In trying to understand disparity and disparate impact we can’t forget to utilize a disease risk model, which in a policing context means not considering the population as a whole but only the portion of the population at risk for SQF. And there is a far greater likelihood of being subjected to a SQF if you are a young male (the universal profile), even more so if you reside or are in a high crime area, irrespective of race. Social conditions however have situated a high percentage of minorities in these disadvantaged high crime areas. While this may generate a disparate impact within the community, it may struggle to actually be a racial disparity, given the specific population demographics, racial crime rates, and criminal suspect descriptions. This focus on minority populated hotspots of crime does not provide evidence for any institutionalized bias, as by necessity and public expectation, more police resources are focused on higher crime areas.
As was discussed in At Issue, in the analysis of SQF for racial bias, methodology is very important. To examine racial disparities or bias an appropriate unit of analysis must be determined. While most researchers have focused on precincts rather than city population as whole I suggest that the beat, a smaller microunit of analysis, be utilized. A precinct can encompass a relatively large area and within that precinct are districts, sectors or beats that could be similar but could just as likely vary widely from the adjoining beat. One beat might hold a lot of retail businesses while an adjoining beat might be residential, while another adjoining beat might be commercial/industrial. The crime rates of each beat, which could vary widely based on the businesses, residents, and potential targets, when averaged for a precinct crime rate might mask, for analysis purposes, a high level of criminal activity in one of the beats.
Increased stop and frisk activity generated from this beat may, when viewed from a perspective of precinct crime rates, seem disproportionate, but is actually inline with the crime happening on that particular beat. Beat demographics are then a more appropriate denominator to calculate rates because disparity is only proven with the correct population demographics and if the demographics of SQF match that of the beat and its criminal subjects, there is no disparity and thus no bias. As was discussed in At Issue, evidence suggests that hit rates can vary by location, with some locations being criminogenic. Those locations are much better determined and analyzed at a beat level as well.
As discussed earlier in the section on revising stop and frisk documentation, the comprehensive inclusion of appropriate variables is also important in trying to determine if racial bias in stops or frisks exist, and variables like officer race and subject noncompliance must be included. Some commenters in At Issue approach officer motivation in these stops with an almost automatic assumption of implicit bias, if not some policing subculture learned bias, against minorities. This may exist to some degree on an individualized basis with some officers, but it also impugns the vast majority of officers who really are motivated by preventing crime and promoting safety and don’t care what race the subject is, only about determining if he’s a good citizen or a bad guy. The inclusion of officer race in these encounters will surely provide a more nuanced look at the possible existence of racial bias toward minority subjects, especially in cities like NYC and others who have a large percentage of minority officers. Similarly in frisks and arrests, the level of noncompliance is going to be an important determining factor in whether these frisks and arrests occur. Research has shown that Blacks tend to be more confrontational with the police than Whites and differing levels of non-compliance may have some explanatory power in disparities seen here.
Stop and frisk has gone from an essential investigative tool to something that’s vilified as constitutionally challenged and racist. However, the truth is that the practice itself while acceptable and necessary, can be misapplied and mismanaged, which in turn can unintentionally damage police legitimacy. If departments can more closely adhere to the Terry ruling, scale back its use, refine and improve its use, and seek alternatives to its use, the practice itself will gain back some of its legitimacy as will the departments themselves.
Research Briefs
Race, Place, and Police-Caused Homicide in U.S. Municipalities
Holmes, Painter II & Smith, Justice Quarterly, 2019
The authors consider that approaches to studying police caused homicides (PCH) have focused typically on two theories, the Minority Threat hypothesis, which borrows from Conflict Theory which suggests that the amount of crime control is directly proportional to the size of the population that threatens the powerful’s interests. Framed as Minority Threat, the theory suggests the level of police caused homicide is in direct relation to the relative size of the Black population. Large populations of Black people are associated with serious criminality and urban violence and are seen as a threat. When increased crime control on the population is enacted, it will thus result in an increase in PCH. In contrast to this linear relationship model, a Power Threat hypothesis suggests a curve, where increases in crime control continues until the minority population reaches enough positions of power, to where their influence decreases the level of crime control on minority populations. The alternative theoretical perspective is the Community Violence hypothesis, which postulates that violent offending will result in more police caused homicides of suspects. Disadvantaged urban black populations have relatively high rates of violence so that Black over-representation in police caused homicides is actually a reflection of the very real threats that officers face in dealing with these greater levels of violence in these communities. Officers use deadly force when it is necessary in the face of danger and the level of violence in these communities increases the likelihood officers will be put in those situations.
The authors suggest another theoretical approach. The Place hypothesis maintains that the residential segregation of minority populations into areas of concentrated socioeconomic disadvantage increases the likelihood of police officers employing violence against minority citizens. Police patrolling in these disadvantaged places may see minority citizens as particularly threatening, though this is a more subjective threat based on place, rather than the objective threat involved in the Community Violence hypothesis. In this theory the level of threat by minorities is based on the segregation of the population into what are viewed as dangerous areas, and because minorities are associated with violent crime, they may be automatically viewed as a threat by being segregated in these places. However, research testing Place hypotheses about PCH has produced mixed findings but the authors suggest there may be a non-linear relationship between racial segregation into the disadvantaged areas and PCH.
The authors also considered that the relationship between Hispanics and PCH may need additional exploration. While percentage Hispanic has not typically been found to be a factor in incidence of PCH, the authors consider that group specific models (minority compared to White) may reveal disparities not evident in total incidence analysis, as well as examining the segregation aspect between White and Hispanic populations.
It should be clarified that when the authors are using structural theories like Minority Threat and Place, it is to examine whether these community structures are related to PCH but these theories operate under the unproven assumption that if there is a relationship between community structure and PCH, then that relationship exists because of biases held by police officers against minorities. These theories, in attempting to make that connection, do not actually examine if the biases exist, nor do they take into account situational factors like suspect demeanor and behavior, the race of officers in these encounters, and attitudes in the community toward police which may either drive that statistical relationship or even negate the relationship between structural conditions and PCH.
Using data from 230 cities with over 100K population who filed Supplemental Homicide Reports with the UCR between 2008 and 2013, their outcome variable was the incidence of felon killed by police officer for the study time period (Range 0-96, Avg. 5.71, S.D. 12.92). The authors noted the small sample size but recognized that other databases include small cities and may have incomplete data, limited methodological documentation, and a lack of verification procedures. Other variables included city population, population density and geographical region as control variables as well as percent Black and Hispanic to represent the Minority Threat hypothesis, and average violent crime rate, arrest rate per 1,000, and total number of police officers killed in the line of duty during the study period to represent the Community Violence hypothesis. To test Place hypothesis they used two variables, Black and Hispanic dissimilarity taken from the 2010 Discover America in a New Century website, which indicates the degree of separation from Whites across all neighborhoods of a city.
Using negative binomial regression because the data was a count variable, they examined total incidences, finding a larger city population was significantly related to a greater number of PCH, while the Northeast and Midwest regions were negatively associated with PCH. In total incidence, the authors did not find support for the Minority Threat hypothesis; Black percentage was significantly negatively associated with PCH (but ceased to be significant in the group specific analysis) and there was no significant association between Hispanic percentage and PCH. Finding partial support, analysis of Place showed a large significant effect in Black separation but a negligible effect with Hispanic separation. In examining the Power Threat hypothesis there was a curve-linear relationship with the most segregated cites having more incidence of PCH than less segregated cities. In support of the Community Violence hypothesis, the violent crime rate had a large statistically positive relationship with PCH (while both the overall index crime rate and property crime rate were not) as did higher arrest rates. Police officers killed in the line of duty also had a small but significant positive relationship with PCH as well. In addition the researchers also examined but failed to find a relationship between the ratio of Black and Hispanic officers to Black and Hispanic citizen population with PCH, however female officers were significantly positively associated with PCH.
In group specific analysis of Black PCH there were four predictors—black–white segregation, violent crime rate, police officers killed, and percent female officers—with statistically significant, positive relationships to PCH of Blacks. They also saw a similar non-linear effect with Black-White separation with more PCH incidence in areas of greater separation. For Hispanics, the percentage Hispanic, Hispanic-White separation, as well as the Southwest region all had statistically significant positive effects on PCH. However for Hispanics, and in accordance with the Power Threat theory there was a positive relationship with Hispanic population and incidence of PCH until Hispanics reach about 60 % of the population and the relationship reverses with PCH decreasing as Hispanic population increases and they found no non-linear relationship between Hispanic separation and PCH.
The discuss how they found support for both Community Violence and Place hypotheses and some support for all three hypothesis in group specific analyses, noting their study highlighted the importance of using both structural and event based data and variable and group specific analyses. They also note future research could examine officer race in relation to PCH as well as more detailed city and neighborhood analysis of PCH.
Holmes, M. D., Painter, M. A., & Smith, B. W. (2019). Race, place, and police-caused homicide in US municipalities. Justice Quarterly, 36(5), 751-786.
Holmes Painter, II and Smith used variables like population, and arrest rate, to examine the disparity in minority PCH but Tregle, Nix and Alpert remind us that disparity doesn’t equal bias and caution against using imperfect variables like these in examining officer involved shootings (OIS)
Disparity Does Not Mean Bias: Making Sense of Observed Racial Disparities in Fatal Officer-Involved Shootings with Multiple Benchmarks
Tregle, Nix & Alpert, Journal of Crime and Justice, 2019
Following well publicized officer involved shootings incidents starting in2014, Officer Involved Shootings (OIS) started being viewed as not isolated incidents but as a national problem involving bias on the part of the police in their interactions with minorities. However, recent agency level studies show that Blacks are not more likely to be shot by the police than Whites. Unfortunately, the government has failed as to adequately compile data related to OIS to examine this issue on a larger scale. However, in 2015, the Washington Post started compiling data related to fatal OIS, indicating that officers shoot and kill just under 1,000 people a year and 25% are black and 48% are white. While UCR data showed that Blacks made up approximately 37% of violent crime arrests, the Washington Post data revealed that in 2015 more than 80% of fatal OIS invoked a suspect with a weapon (with the UCR showing Blacks accounting for 40-44% of weapon possession arrests).
However, the authors note this data cannot show whether Blacks are more likely to be shot by the police than Whites. Simply because Blacks are over-represented in fatal shootings, relative to their population in general, does not mean there is bias toward Blacks by the police. The authors explain that using population as a measure in this way is flawed. Because, as in medical disease models, the entirety of the population do not all face the same risk of disease, nor do all members of a population face the same risk of coming into contact with the police. For example examining racial disparity in traffic stops based on racial population is inappropriate without determining what portion of the population is actually driving and thus at risk of being stopped. Another issue to contend with is that within that driving population, which groups, because of their driving behavior or vehicle condition (young people, low income citizens), might be more likely to be pulled over.
The authors examine seven variables including, population data, police-citizen interaction data (from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Police Public Contact Survey (PPCS), a supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey carried out triennial) and UCR arrest data from 2015-2017 to report the odds of Black citizens being shot, relative to White citizens. They note that many studies examining OIS showed Blacks were less likely to be shot or killed by the police compared to Whites, however some studies demonstrated opposite findings, but comparing these studies are difficult because of the use of different benchmarks. To examine whether there were any disparities between race in OIS, the authors utilized seven benchmarks to examine the issue-population, police citizen interactions (police-initiated contacts, traffic stops, and street stops), arrests (total arrests, violent crime arrests, and weapon offense arrests).
Analyzing the odds ratios of Blacks and Whites shot against the benchmarks, the authors first note that fatal OIS are a rare occurrence. For example, although police fatally shot 259 Black citizens in 2015, they did not use lethal force in 140,543 arrests of Black citizens for violent crimes. Similarly, while police fatally shot 497 White citizens in 2015, they did not fatally shoot suspects during 63,967 arrests of White citizens for weapons offenses. The also note that population is a flawed benchmark, that while it indicates that Blacks are over 3.5 times more likely to be shot by the police than Whites, the problem is that the majority of either population are not exposed to the risk of being fatally shot by the police. Other benchmarks provide mixed and varying results. For clarification, note that odds ratios over 1 indicate Blacks were more likely than Whites to be shot while odds ratios less than one indicate Blacks are less likely than Whites to be shot and the horizontal line represents the confidence interval (the high likelihood that the data point lies within that range). (See Table 1)
Table 1. Black Citizen Odds Ratios of Fatal Officer Involved Shootings Benchmarks

The authors note that the popular perception that blacks are disproportionately shot by the police is based on the flawed benchmark of population, which doesn’t consider the races’ different exposure rates to the police. They suggest that arrest rates are a more appropriate measure since it represents the subset of the population that had interactions with the police that could turn deadly, working under these assumptions: (1) OIS occur in response to perceived imminently dangerous citizen behaviors, (2) Criminal behavior is a reasonable proxy for imminently dangerous behavior, and (3) Arrests are a reasonable proxy for criminal behavior. Based on total arrests, Blacks are 1.23 to 1.37 more likely to be fatally shot that Whites in that three-year period but when examining arrests that pose a greater threat to officers like those of weapons offenses or violent crimes, Blacks were slightly less likely to be fatally shot than Whites. However the authors also note that UCR data is not a complete accounting of all police departments, with small departments being underrepresented, and that arrests are only a subset of police-citizens interactions that could escalate into lethal force incidents like traffic stops, domestics, and mentally ill and suspicious person calls. The authors state that a better benchmark might be police-citizen interactions, however the National Crime Victimization survey also has its limitations regarding who is sampled and that in regards to the risk of being shot, there are a vast number of police-citizen encounters that do not require a level of force, let alone lethal force.
An even better benchmark would be scenarios where officers drew their weapons but did not shoot, comparing shoot-no shoot would exclude interaction where it is improbable that citizens would be shot. However, this benchmark may be more appropriate at a city or agency level, as reporting standards for drawing a firearm vary widely and it may be difficult to compile national data. The authors also note that in examining OIS that the Washington Post database does not include non-fatal OIS. Data from larger cities show that non-fatal OIS range from 20-45%, and fatality may be dependent on other factors like immediacy of medical care. They also note that individual circumstances are not accounted for including suspects’ level of resistance and threatening behavior which will prompt the use of force, and level of force, which may explain some of the racial disparity. In addition, another noteworthy limitation of the study is the inability to benchmark fatal shootings of citizens who posed no imminent threat (i.e., unarmed and not aggressing).
In this case, the research question would be: In order to answer the question of whether Black citizens who pose no imminent threat are more likely to be fatally shot by police than White citizens who pose no imminent threat, given each group’s exposure to police contact, benchmarks would be needed that indicated how often officers interact with unarmed and non-aggressing citizens of each racial group. The authors conclude that the federal government should be compiling data on all OIS to better understand and analyze the conditions under which they occur and that while databases like the Washington Post’s can provide valuable information, the benchmarks used to analyze OIS have assumptions and limitations that must be acknowledged.
Tregle, B., Nix, J., & Alpert, G. P. (2019). Disparity does not mean bias: Making sense of observed racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings with multiple benchmarks. Journal of crime and justice, 42(1), 18-31.
While it is apparent that in order to examine any racial disparities in officer involved shooting that appropriate benchmarks be used, we also know that not all OIS are appropriate and that the police do make errors in the application of force. Taylor examined OIS and constructed a typology of police shooting errors, with suggestions on how those errors may addressed.
Beyond False Positives: A Typology of Police Shooting Errors
Taylor, Criminology and Public Policy, 2019
Taylor quotes David Kahneman saying that “There are distinctive patterns in the errors people make. Systemic errors are known as biases, and they recur predictably in particular circumstances. …The availability of diagnostic labels for [these] biases make [them] easier to anticipate, recognize, and understand”. Taylor explains that behavior tends to be systematically connected to the features of peoples’ tools, tasks, previous experiences, training, and environments and that the research findings on human error have consistently demonstrated that situations, behaviors, and decision processes that result in error tend to result in repeated errors across time and people. The examination of errors can be applied to criminal justice research, and more specifically, to police use of deadly force, and a typology of police shooting errors can be constructed.
Error should be defined as, absent any chance outside influence, when a sequence of thoughts or behaviors do not lead to their intended outcome. An officer shooting an unarmed man intentionally is not an error. It may be a violation, but it is not an error because the intent met the outcome. Systemic errors occur when people rely on pattern recognition, developed from repeated exposure to similar patterns and experiences, and automaticity, which is the development of implicit shortcuts in our cognition which speed up our decision making process with a high degree of reliability but can also lead to errors.
In the context of police shooting, errors are typically viewed as either a False Positive error, where a person is presumed to be dangerous by the officer, but is in fact not dangerous, and shot by the officer, or a False Negative, where a police officer or citizen is killed when an officer fails to shoot a dangerous individual. However the authors believe this simple typology can be expanded to cover a wider variety of scenarios, which include misses of the intended target and hits on unintended targets such as citizens and other officers
Table 1. A New Typology of Police Shooting Errors
FIREARM DISCHARGED | Intended | Unintended |
Intended | Misdiagnosis Errors | Misses |
Unintended | Misapplication Errors | Unintentional Discharge |
The authors explain misdiagnosis errors, similar to false-positive errors, as when the officer intended to shoot his firearm, and hit the intended target, but the outcome was unintended, i.e., a non-dangerous person was shot. In these situations, a non-dangerous person was shot in error, sometimes referred to as cell-phone shootings, mistake-of-fact shootings, and perception-only shootings. They note statistics from Los Angeles and Philadelphia that between 2013 and 2017, 14% and 10% respectively, of police shootings involved this type of error. They suggest that while more research is needed, that these errors may stem from pattern recognition. The classic and current police literature notes that through experience officers are attuned to cues of danger and impropriety and these cues prompt the reliance on pattern recognition, where these frequently experienced cues prompt the recognition of, and priming for, a dangerous situation. This leads to decision making shortcuts that prompt officers to go on alert, draw their gun and fire. However these shortcuts can lead to errors when the officer has been primed for a dangerous scenario (such as a dispatch call about a man with a gun), attends to the wrong information , or ignores or misinterprets the right information.
Misapplication errors involved the unintended firing of the firearm but a hit on the intended target. These are referred to in the literature as weapon confusion or Taser confusion shootings , where the officer intended to Taser a person but instead accidentally drew his firearm and shot. This type of error is well documented in the medical and aviation fields, where switching over to a new tool (like a Taser) or procedure has been introduced and a preoccupation or distraction is present, thus causing the misapplication and the unintended outcome. In these cases, training just to sufficiency may be insufficient as newer learned skills tended to be the first to disappear under pressure and replaced by those practiced for a longer period of time. The authors note the typical difference in training time with firearms compared to Tasers, and while it requires more research, this may be a factor in this error.
Misses are an error where the officer intends to fire his firearm but doesn’t hit the intended target, either completely missing or hitting an unintended target. Much of the research on police shooting accuracy indicates a low hit rate, typically less than 50 %, and despite changes in training methods, hasn’t improved over the past 50 years. Between 2013 and 2017, Philadelphia officer hit rates averaged 18% while in that same time period LA officer hit rates averaged 27%, varying between 18% to 42%. This means that the error is a much more common outcome than the correct one and the authors note there is not a comparative type error in other fields and suggest much more research be conducted to determining and addressing the causes of this type of error.
Unintended discharges are errors which occur when an officer did not intend to fire his weapon, had no intention of hitting a target, but the round in fact struck a target. They are typically referred to as accidental or negligent discharges. Between 2013 and 2017, 17 % of reported LA shooting incidents involved this type of error while between 2006 and 2016, the NYPD reported 19% of their shooting incidents were unintended discharges. Research indicates that unconscious touching of the trigger may be common and when combined with some exertion activity, a co-muscle activation response exerted enough pressure to discharge the weapon. A high number of accidental discharges occurred during routine weapons activity,(storing, cleaning, loading, unloading). Automaticity, where officers have done a task so many times it becomes automatic, allows them to change attentional focus and with a loss of focus on the other task, an error in unintended discharge can occur.
The authors conclude that simply trying to lump all police error shootings into a large sample and look for causal correlation is misguided as the causal mechanics vary between the types of errors but neither is it appropriate to simply look at each case as an isolated incident as causal connections to similar shooting incidents might also be missed. Utilizing this typology will more accurately discriminate between the different types of shooting errors and improve research on police shootings, and, based on the type of error, appropriate means can be employed to reduce those types of errors through policy, training or practice.
Taylor, P. L. (2019). Beyond false positives: A typology of police shooting errors. Criminology & Public Policy, 18(4), 807-822.
Eliminating errors in the use of lethal force is just one way of improving police performance, which can foster and build police legitimacy with the public. James, James, Davis, and Dotson suggest that rather than looking at outcomes to study police-citizen contacts, a more in-depth analysis of police performance that examines officer behavior while accounting for influencing factors, can not only enhance our understanding of officer decision making and behavior but also improve police performance in their contact with citizens.
Using Interval-Level Metrics to Investigate Situational-, Suspect-, and Officer-Level Predictors of Police Performance During Encounters with the Public
James, James, Davis and Dotson, Police Quarterly, 2019
The authors look at factors that may influence how police officers behave during encounters with the public, noting previous research has examined whether suspect race influences officer involved shootings or whether officers use greater force depending on suspect demeanor, or whether neighborhoods predict police-citizen outcomes. However, this research typically focuses on the outcome of the encounter, not the performance of the officer in the encounter. For example, an officer may exhibit fairness and do everything right but still generate a citizen complaint, while another officer may do everything wrong and get away with it if the citizen doesn’t bother to file a complaint. The authors examined a wide variety of 667 incident reports from a large urban department (1500 sworn officers) to examine situational, suspect, and officer level predictors on how officers perform in their interactions with the public. Utilizing a recently established and rigorously developed police encounter performance metric, the authors used interval level metrics to score officer performance across the range of these encounters which include Use of Force, Tactical Social Interaction (officer performance in routine citizen encounters), and Crisis Intervention, which involved officer performance in crisis encounter or encounter with people with mental illness.
Within these three metrics are a wide variety of performance measurements. For example, under Use of Force there are 48 performance variables within the categories of Preplan (expecting to be involved in a deadly force situation, waiting for backup) Observe/assess (correctly identifies threats, identifies pre-assault indicators, aware of what is going on in the periphery, selecting reasonable force options), Officer Behavior (paying attention to details, drawing the weapon, able to use communication skills to defuse, used appropriate level of assertiveness), Tactics (had necessary equipment, prioritizing citizen safety, prioritizing other officer safety, using cover, effectively engaging multiple opponents) and Adapt (correctly responds to a threat, recognizes need to transition to different force option, uses or compensates for environmental conditions). Tactical and Social Interaction and Crisis Intervention also utilized extensive performance variables under similar categories, including Resources, Interaction, and Closing the Encounter.
Each of these variables carried a score indicating that behavior’s impact on performance. The incident reports were than analyzed and coded if the officer took the action, or whether the officer could have taken the action but did not. Not all performance metrics were suitable for every encounter and so were not included in the scoring and analysis. The performance scores of officers are expressed as a percentage, the proportion of all behaviors that were possible in the encounters, as measured by the metrics. In addition to this, the authors also coded situational (nighttime, children present, cultural or language barrier, more than one civilian present), suspect (age, sex, race, non-compliant, armed, hostile, homeless, emotionally disturbed, substance impaired, self-harming behavior), and officer (sex) level variables and analyzed them for their effect on officer performance.
Overall, across all incidents the average performance score was 80.5%. Officers scored highest in crisis encounters (83.6%), aggravated assaults (83.4%), and domestic violence incidents (82.4%) but scored lower in traffic collisions (74.8%), harassment calls (76.9%) and investigation of suspicious circumstances (76.7%). See Table 1 below with average officer performance scores and their error bars at a 95% confidence interval.
Table 1. Citizen Interaction Specific Police Officer Performance Scores

To investigate this average 20% performance deficit, the authors examined specific categories and found officers scored highly in Observe/assess (96%) and Closing (93.6%) but less proficient with Preplanning (80.5%), Adapting Tactics (83.8), and use of Tactics (84.4). They also note officers performed far better in crisis encounters (94.5%) than in routine (non-crisis) police/citizen interactions (76.9%).
When the authors examined situational factor influence on officer performance, they found similar performance irrespective of night or day, the presence of children, or the presence of cultural barriers with a slightly better performance in the presence of language barriers (84.2%) than without (81.8%) and statistically significantly better performance with more than one civilian present (81.5%) as compared to only one civilian present (78.6%). In analyzing suspect factors, performance was very similar with teens, young adults, and older adults, and slightly higher performance scores with men as opposed to women (84.7% vs 82.1 %). Officers also performed slightly better (mid 80’s percentiles) with substance impaired citizens, the homeless, self-harming individuals, hostile citizens, and armed suspects than with the opposite counterparts to these factors. Officers also had significantly better performance scores in dealing with emotionally disturbed individuals (84.8%), non-compliant citizens (86.3%) and Blacks (85.8%) compared to Whites (83.2%) or Hispanics (83.8%). While officer gender was the only officer related factor that could be analyzed in this study based on incident reports, there was no statistical difference in performance scores based on gender.
The authors suggest that the results indicate that officers perform better in crisis or “high stakes scenarios as evidenced by their higher performance in crisis incidents like domestics and aggravated assault. This may occur as officers are calling upon tasks that they excel at like vigilant situational assessment, the use of tactics, and adapting those tactics, with officers scoring high in Observe/assess. The large difference between crisis and routine encounters suggests that while measurements show that officers performed very well with performance items like clearly explaining actions, showing empathy, and demonstrating concern for the citizen but perhaps felt the need to demonstrate this more in crisis situations than in routine encounters. The finding that officers performed better with Blacks than non-blacks might be difficult to interpret. The largest differences between Blacks and non-Blacks were in the Observe/assess category, 99% compared to 95%. It could be suggested that officers have a heightened awareness because of implicit bias, unconsciously associating Blacks with weapons or danger, in line with the Minority Threat hypothesis. Alternately, officers may be paying more attention in encounters with Blacks due to a desire to perform well in these encounters and avoid being labeled as biased, with the authors noting that the department had received implicit bias training in the past year. Officers’ better performance with emotionally disturbed and non-compliant individuals suggests that while officers logically would use humanizing and de-escalation techniques in these situations, across the range of performance behaviors, indications seem to be that officers try harder during situations they perceive as more challenging.
Implications from the study suggest using performance metrics are a better way to assess officer behavior than simply analyzing outcomes, such as whether force was used or the presence of citizens complaints as they may provide a distorted picture of actual officer performance. The authors also urge the use of body worn cameras to aid in the assessment of officer performance. They also recognize that outcomes speak to fair enforcement and building public trust to enhance police legitimacy but rather than the sole measure of police encounters, both performance and outcomes can be analyzed to determine how probabilistic outcomes like use of force, or arrest, are, and how much they are dictated by good or bad officer performance. As well as being used to assess training effectiveness like Crisis Intervention Training, officers can be trained to incorporate de-escalation techniques in a broader range of scenarios where there is a likelihood of escalation, including in routine citizen encounters where techniques like empathizing, reducing the police citizen power differential, and being respectful may foster the perception of police legitimacy as well as reduce the 20% officer performance deficit.
James, L., James, S., Davis, R., & Dotson, E. (2019). Using Interval-Level Metrics to Investigate Situational-, Suspect-, and Officer-Level Predictors of Police Performance During Encounters With the Public. Police Quarterly, 22(4), 452-480.
Research Briefs
The New Detective: Rethinking Criminal Investigations
Eck and Rossmo, Criminological and Public Policy, 2019
Eck and Rossmo discuss developing a new role for law enforcement detectives. Research on the role of detectives has demonstrated that they solve only a small portion of cases, with witness and victim statements, and initial efforts by patrol officers, contributing more to case clearance than detectives and their work. Most innovations and reforms in policing have been focused on patrol officers and how they conduct their work and interact with the public (like problem-oriented policing, community-oriented policing, intelligence-led policing) but little attention in that regard has been made toward investigations. But the authors also consider that a traditional method of measuring detective effectiveness by the number of closed cases or clearance rate is a poor measure and does nothing to address improving detective performance.
Clearance rates have been in decline since the 60’s despite improvements in investigative technology and while law enforcement believes this is related to higher crime, less time, and lack of cooperation from the public, and charge reluctance by prosecutors, the authors contend the amount of crime is not the issue as crime has been on a downward trend since the ‘90’s. Eck and Rossmo believe that the wealth of information detectives have on crime and criminals is not being used effectively when detectives are being tasked with solving individual cases. Rather than working specific cases, detectives should be focusing on crime patterns, which may actually have an effect on reducing crime and improving clearance rates.
The authors suggest three areas that investigative management and detectives can improve on and orient themselves to; focus on quality and the reduction of errors, better organize detectives to address repeat problems and patters, involve detectives directly in crime prevention. Detectives can improve their investigations by understanding and utilizing inductive, deductive, and abductive reasoning better, thus reducing wrongful arrests. Referencing a 2014 study, the authors state that of three factors affecting “criminal (case) failures” to identify offenders and arrest them (organizational, environmental, and personal), the personal factor, like a rush to judgement and confirmation bias, was the most common cause. Utilizing the acronym SRIP, detectives should evaluate the quality of evidence for significance (strength of the evidence as it points to guilt, exoneration, or other explanations) reliability (assessed before significance, how likely is the evidence to be true), independence (independently, does the evidence make a unique contribution, or is it merely derivative) , and patterns (how does the evidence fit in the overall information pattern of the case, evidence should not be cherry picked).
When too much focus is put on solving individual cases, detectives aren’t recognizing and understanding patterns and developing resources. Victims and witnesses provide much of the information needed to solve cases and detectives, and these participants, as well as offenders can deliver more information to detectives and help them recognize potential patterns. Knowing that crime patterns can be offender or situational based, this information can help link persons and places to crime patterns and disrupt these factors which lead to patterns. Detectives understand crime, criminals, and crime opportunities but that knowledge largely goes unused when detectives are only focusing on individual cases instead of taking a broader problem-solving approach.
The authors suggest there are four way detectives can better utilize their investigative knowledge and work toward crime prevention:
Routine debriefings of victims and offenders. Not just focusing on interviews and interrogations in a specific case to gather evidence and solve it, but utilizing after the fact interviews which can help detectives in determining patterns and conditions which can assist in future investigations and crime prevention.
Repeat victims and offenses. Detectives may not need to be assigned to a specific case but instead to victims or places, also to recognize and assess criminogenic factors and situations.
Place based investigation. Utilizing a problem solving approach they can eliminate or reduce offending when the precipitating factors are identified.
Detective involvement in problem solving. Utilizing their knowledge, detectives can be folded into more problem solving efforts, taking the lead or coordinating with other units to bring more of their specialized knowledge to bear in addressing and solving larger problems.
The authors contend that while detectives are being under (or incorrectly) utilized, trying to improve detective performance and utility by making marginal organizational changes, while still having detectives doing their job the same as they have for decades, will be insufficient. Departments need to re-think and re-organize their detectives toward a larger, crime prevention mandate.
Eck, J. E., & Rossmo, D. K. (2019). The new detective: Rethinking criminal investigations. Criminology & Public Policy, 18(3), 601-622
While Eck and Rossmo see clearance rates as a faulty measure of detective effectiveness, many departments, and the public, see this as an indication the police are doing their jobs. But clearance rates can vary on a number of factors between various crimes based on evidence, available information, and investigative effort. Authors Cook, Braga, Turchan, and Barao examine these issues in the differences between gun homicide and gun assault clearance rates.
Why do gun murders have a higher clearance rate than gunshot assaults?
Cook, Braga, Turchan, & Barao, Criminological and Public Policy, 2019
To explore the title issue, Cook and colleagues examined Boston shootings data from 2010-2014, comparing 204 homicides and 231 non-fatal shootings investigations with a quasi-experimental design using case narratives, data, and detective interviews. The authors mention that research from the ‘70’s indicated that investigative work had little effect on solving cases, indicating the importance of patrol officer work, and witness and victim statements. However, research in the ‘90’s revealed some investigative factors that were associated with arrest including what the first responding officer did at the scene, how soon the detective arrived, how many detectives were assigned, and how the scene was documented. However this previous research was more descriptive and couldn’t demonstrate a definitive causal relationship.
Initial comparison of gun homicides and gun assaults showed no statistical difference in the situational circumstances between the types of shootings with the exception that indoor shootings were more lethal. It also showed that gun homicide clearance by arrest was twice as high as gun assaults (43% vs 19%) and that clearance rates in both types were higher in personal disputes or domestic violence situations as opposed to gang and drug related disputes. The on-scene arrest rates for both types were 6% and arrest rates during the two days immediately following the shooting were the same for fatal and non-fatal cases, 11%. The difference in arrest rates arose later and the authors consider that the early matching rates are reflective of the “easy” cases in both types of crime. Easy cases are solved quickly and without the need for the extra resources deployed in homicide investigations; those resources being a possible source of overall higher clearance rates. Eyewitness testimony and the effort in gathering direct evidence were also prominently factored into the differences in the two types.
The prevalence of investigative success that comes from cooperating witnesses was the same in both types of cases, but the lower clearance rates for non-fatal shootings suggest less cooperative witnesses in these shootings. However, the data also indicates that witness cooperation is not always immediate and spontaneous, and that efforts may be necessary to locate and gain the cooperation of witness. Data also indicated that the likelihood of a surviving victim being cooperative was greater in homicide cases than assault cases. This may stem from a recognition of the more serious nature of a death, as well as assault survivors’ attempts to hamper witnesses from speaking out.
Another important factor in case clearance was the greater amount of forensic evidence gathered in fatal cases versus non-fatal and since the situational circumstances between the two types of crimes are very similar, it speaks to the greater amount of effort and resources put into fatal cases compared to non-fatal. The statistical analyses bears out that a significantly greater amount of evidence is collected in fatal shootings versus non-fatal, including latent prints, DNA, ballistics, electronic data analysis, and post-scene witness interviews, which may be a function of the finding that a greater number of officers were providing information in fatal cases versus non-fatal.
The authors summarize by referencing the 1976 RAND study that carried a lot of weight in presenting the view that detectives have little effect on clearance rates, whereas on-scene arrests and eyewitness testimony matter more. While these were also determining factors in clearance rates in the current study, the authors disagree that detectives are of little value . Their findings show that 30% of homicide arrests where an eyewitness was a key factor occurred 6 months or more after the incident, and that this comes from the detectives’ effort and skill at locating witnesses and gaining their cooperation. The authors contend that clearance rates for gun assaults could be improved if additional resources and efforts were employed, even if not at the same level employed in homicide investigations.
Cook, P. J., Braga, A. A., Turchan, B. S., & Barao, L. M. (2019). Why do gun murders have a higher clearance rate than gunshot assaults?. Criminology & Public Policy, 18(3), 525-551.
Cook et al. mention the difficulty that investigators may have in gaining witness cooperation in non-fatal cases, as they may be viewed as less serious crimes that don’t as heavily prompt cooperation, as well as witness suppression efforts by victims or other witnesses. Brunson and Wade explore this lack of desire to cooperate with the police in gun violence incidents.
Oh Hell No, We Don’t Talk to the Police
Brunson and Wade, Criminological and Public Policy, 2019
The authors interviewed 50 young, black males from high-crime neighborhoods in Brooklyn and the Bronx who were high risk of violence individuals (active and former gang members, and others who had prior associations with illegal guns, and gun violence), endorsed retaliatory violence and anti-snitching, and who had knowledge about illegal gun markets, and the associated violence, in an attempt to understand the lack of witness cooperation in urban, low SES neighborhoods. Prior research has already pointed to factors that influence this lack of cooperation. Perceptions of both over and under policing can reinforce Blacks’ collective belief that policing is racially biased, harming police legitimacy, which can foster more community violence as Black residents feel the need to engage in retaliation and protection strategies that don’t involve the police. Individuals involved in violent crime can also take advantage of this perceived lack of legitimacy and non-reliance on the police to discourage witnesses from coming forward. These efforts help foster the impression with the police that anti-snitching attitudes are prevalent in urban communities. Though not often mentioned in police/race discussions, most Blacks are law abiding and support the role of the police in the community. While there should be opportunities for positive, mutually beneficial community partnerships between the Black community and police, these opportunities are undermined when Blacks engage in civil unrest following a publicized police action. This presents the image of wholesale denunciation of the police by Blacks, suggesting to law enforcement that Blacks are tolerant of crime and view the police as an intrusion.
The authors, while recognizing a no-snitching policy has long been part of minority urban culture (a la E. Anderson’s code of the streets), also noted recent literature has shown inconsistencies in what offenders think constitutes snitching. While perceiving the police as illegitimate may provide an excuse for not cooperating with the police, it doesn’t fully explain the reticence of law abiding citizens from coming forward with information. This suggests that victim or witness intimidation, either actual or feared, may factor into whether there is cooperation with the police. High crime rates in neighborhoods and mistrust of the police can lead these residents to perceive they are being under-policed, while aggressive policing tactics prompts the belief in a racially biased police force and a feeling of being over policed. Residents question whether the police are concerned with reducing crime or are just interested in cracking down on minor offenses. This in turns raises questions of police illegitimacy and generates legal cynicism, not just with the police but the criminal justice system as well. This legal cynicism is directly related to the support of retaliatory violence, which leads to higher level of community violence, and can prompt conditions of over-policing as law enforcement struggles to deal with increasing levels of violence.
In the study interviews, several participants explained their dislike of the police because of negative, aggressive personal interactions but many (54%) also referenced widely publicized media accounts of police misconduct and the fatal shootings of unarmed Black men as reasoning for their dislike and mistrust of the police. 90% stated they wouldn’t call the police if a loved one was threatened with gun violence. Some participants also complained that the police were too focused on drug offenses, and were not concerned about addressing violence in the neighborhoods with 76% of participants offering up very negative comments about the justice system as a whole, believing it to be oppressive and not dedicated to justice in minority communities. Participants also indicated that most of the gun violence pertained to “beefs”, trivial conflicts involving disrespect, arguments, and misunderstandings. These beefs generate hard feelings between individuals and prompt them to carry guns for protection against “the people [that] don’t like you”. Many who were shot at claimed they didn’t know who (74%) or the reason (48%) and many feared being in the wrong place at the wrong time in a random shooting, though the prevalence of beefs with individuals on a block or in a neighborhood was a common occurrence in their narratives.
With so many of the participants holding views of police illegitimacy and legal cynicism, they preferred retaliatory violence (92%) as opposed to contacting the police after a shooting. As one participant put it, “If I go and tell the [cops and] this nigga fuck around and beat the case…this nigga still out here smoking blunts, doing everything while my [friend] dead, you feel me…that’s why I don’t understand that snitching to the cops shit…this nigga shot my [friend]…a real nigga would just go out and kill that nigga.” They viewed the police as ineffective because they would not be able to stop or prevent threats of violence against them and held mistrust of police motives, especially after feeling mistreated by the police when interviewed in previous incidents. As one participant said, “I got shot up here [on Wabada] and the cops [said] If I don’t cooperate, then [they] gonna take me to jail, take me to jail for what? I didn’t do anything to nobody, just because you stereotyping me and feel that I know who did it, now I’m in trouble?… You don’t gotta drag people and belittle them and make them feel lesser than who they are to get stuff out them….That’s why…I won’t go to cops for nothing, if imma die, imma die…I ain’t going to cops for nothing, I’ll go to the ambulance before the cops.”
Many of the participants embraced a no snitching stance, saying it just went against their culture and referenced the code of the street. Those who retaliated were revered but those who went to the police were viewed with contempt, however some of them considered there were acceptable exceptions; with female family members, intimates, and boys. It was also noted that beside their adherence to the edict, they used intimidation of community members to ensure their compliance as well.
Fear over repeat victimization prompted the participants to carry a gun. The participants were willing to face arrest for gun possession in order to ensure their safety on the street, feeling that the police are ineffective at finding and stopping known shooters, and won’t be around to save them when confronted over a beef. As one participant said, “I was just thinking about my safety….I don’t wanna say that I was clueless to the consequences, I just didn’t care about them…because it was like, once you get shot, the only thing you care about is, [not] getting shot again, because it really, really hurt[s]…so I’m just like, I don’t want this to happen again.”
Brunson and Wade consider three goals to be achieved; reducing gun violence so high risk people can live in safety, launch grassroots campaigns countering pro-violence and anti-snitching, and improving police-minority relations. However with the prevalence and necessity of carrying defensive firearms in high-violence neighborhoods, disarming individuals will be difficult. However, allocating more resources to gun assaults may improve perceived police legitimacy as well as improve clearance rates, helping to reduce fear. Focused deterrence programs have also been shown to be effective in reducing gun well as using community intermediaries to help quell violence.
Brunson, R. K., & Wade, B. A. (2019). “Oh hell no, we don’t talk to police” Insights on the lack of cooperation in police investigations of urban gun violence. Criminology & Public Policy, 18(3), 623-648.
While the suggestion of allocating more resources toward investigations may improve clearance rates, as well as perceptions of police legitimacy, citizen perceptions can vary of police actions especially when accompanied by a difference in policing style. Deuchar, Miller, and Densley examine this variance in perception in stop and search efforts in Scotland. The article also reminds us that procedural justice and police legitimacy are not just in the purview of minority-police relations but rather the issues pertain to those who are targeted; young, lower income males.
The Lived Experience of Stop & Search in Scotland: There Are Two Sides to Every Story.
Ross Deuchar, Johanne Miller, and James Densley, Police Quarterly, 2019
The authors consider there has been little interconnected research between procedural justice and stop and search practices but research has shown that the disproportionate use of stop and search in ethnic minority communities fosters a perception that the police are biased and lack legitimacy. Similar to “stop and frisk” in the U.S., in Scotland, police have the power to stop and search, without arrest or charge, if they have “reasonable grounds to suspect” that an individual is in possession of a weapon, drugs, or that an offense has or is about to be committed. This requirement was applicable even if the person gave consent (though voluntary searches are typically not legally challenged).
When the policy had a widespread rollout in 2012, there were concerns that it would have a negative effect on perceptions of procedural justice and hamper building positive relations between the police and the public. To address youth crime in high crime areas, Force Flexible Policing Units were assigned to areas of juvenile crime hot spots with highly visible patrol and stop and searches. Glasgow and some surrounding areas in the west of Scotland used a predominantly aggressive approach toward policing while areas in the east including the capital of Edinburgh used a “softer”, more negotiated, order maintenance style. Populations in both areas were approximately 88% White.
The authors utilized a participant observer approach shadowing officers and observing 55 incidents, 30 in the west and 25 in the east that primarily involved white, male teenagers. They also conducted 23 interviews with officers on the reasoning behind stop and search, why they are conducted in the neighborhoods they are, and whether they are achieving goals, as well as commenting on young peoples’ perception of the police and how stop and search may influence this. 46 young people (8 from Edinburgh in the east and 38 from Paisley and Glasgow in the west) who had recent stop and search activity with police were also interviewed about their views of the police, their experiences with stop and search, the perceived influence the experience had on views of the police, as well as their views on improving police/public relations.
Officer views on stop and search found it to be an effective tool at crime prevention, locating knives and thus preventing and deterring violence as well as addressing drugs on the street. One officer said, “I think it’s a very valid tactic, personally . . . it’s helped to take a lot of knives and other offensive weapons off the street, and drugs too . . . it’s not just necessarily getting that small bag of a drug, or that weapon, you know, it can lead to vast quantities of drugs being recovered . . . if it’s used and done properly it can lead to better and bigger things.” However the youth participants did not view it as a deterrent to carrying weapons or contraband, but the researchers, and a number of youths, noted that they seemed to be targeted for stop and searches based on their demeanor or style of dress
The difference in policing style in carrying out stop and search did generate different attitudes. Youth in the west of Scotland felt resentment toward the police, feeling they were being treated like criminals during the stops. The different approach used in Edinburgh (East) generated different reaction from youths. Stop and search was conducted in a more unobtrusive and procedurally just manner, with officers speaking politely and respectfully to those stopped. As one sergeant from the east side said, “It’s no’ nice to be stopped by police and to be searched, and it’s quite embarrassing and things. So, I suppose it’s about getting that, that rapport, and getting a bit of a relationship wi’ this person, even if it’s a two or three minute interaction, just quickly trying to put them at ease a wee bit, and just saying “listen, you know, I’m no’ saying you’re a horrible, bad person, but this is why we’re here and actually your behavior has just, just caught our eye, and it was a bit strange. And, you know, there might be a perfectly logical explanation for it.” During the interviews, many of these youths perceived that the officers were doing their jobs fairly and believed that stop and search was effective in addressing youth crime issues. While youths in Edinburgh believed that the officers were professional, responsive, honest, and fair, the youths in the west of Scotland more often experienced aggressive, confrontational stops that in turn made them determined to avoid contact with the police as well as being confrontational during stops. As one youth stated “Most of the time I havnae done nothin’, and most of the time if they didnae stop us we wouldnae have committed the crime we done which is police assault or resisting arrest”.
Part of the difference in approaches stemmed from the basis for the stops. Besides statutory searches (requiring reasonable grounds to suspect) up until the Spring of 2017 Scottish Police could stop and search non-statutory, commonly referred to as voluntary or consent searches. Voluntary search numbers were high in west Scotland and many youths complained they gave consent even when they didn’t want to because of the belief that if they refused, it would make matters worse as it would turn into a statutory search. If they refused, officers would then claim they’re being stopped under the relevant statute and the majority believed the police would just make up a reason for it be statutory. Officers also had an obligation to tell individuals that they had a right to refuse a consensual searches but often this was not done. However, officers in the east typically employed the statutory standard and implied informed consent on searches.
Political, public, and media concerns over the high number of consensual stops led to reforms in 2014 that defined stop criteria, would end a presumption of consensual searching, and in such cases, requires informed consent, and reinforced the need for procedural justice. This change negatively affected the morale of officers in both east and west Scotland. Officers in the west felt anxiety that these reforms took away a valuable tool at deterring violent crime and instilled a “rights culture” among people that prompted them to be obstructive. Officers in the east didn’t experience much concern over the reforms and the ending of consensual searches because they typically used statutory searches, engaged positively with youth, and appropriately documented their searches. However their morale suffered as they felt their integrity was being questioned. Regarding the reform, youth in the west felt little would change in regards to the procedural justice they experienced as policing as typically more aggressive there, but youth in the east, because of law enforcement’s already existing low key approach, had more feelings of trust and legitimacy about the police. The authors concluded the study shows the connection between procedural justice and police legitimacy, and that procedural justice tenets should be safeguarded in police practices that may be construed as intrusive or confrontational. The positive examples shown in Edinburgh could be used as a training model to help support officers in redefining a policing style more synonymous with procedural justice. They also consider that “procedural justice is only one part of a broader narrative around police legitimacy” that should include an examination of whether the style of enforcement expresses the shared values of the community as well as examining the legality of some police activities.
Deuchar, R., Miller, J., & Densley, J. (2019). The Lived Experience of Stop and Search in Scotland: There Are Two Sides to Every Story. Police Quarterly, 1098611119849646.