Differentiating and Diagnosing Sociopathy, Psychopathy, and Anti-Social Personality Disorder

This was an academic piece for 2011 Psychopathology class where I explore how the terms were defined, how the conditions are recognized and the differences and similarities between the conditions.


Author: Frank Heley

Frank Heley graduated from North Dakota State University with a BS in Criminal Justice in 2009, a MS in Criminal Justice Administration in 2012, and a PhD in Criminal Justice, with a focus on policing, in 2018, and is a current member of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. He has worked as a security supervisor in the hospitality field, as a drug and alcohol researcher, and as a criminal justice instructor, as well as having been a private investigator for 21 years. Under the auspice of the Center for Criminological Inquiry, he currently conducts independent research and provides consulting services.